The Fire from Within Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fire from Within Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Don Juan and the narrator walk towards ______, Don Juan explains that the earth has a cocoon.
(a) Puerta Vallarta.
(b) Oaxaca.
(c) Chihuahua.
(d) Tijuana.

2. According to the book, the aspect of alignment that keeps the assemblage point stationary is ______.
(a) Shields.
(b) Concentration.
(c) Tumbler.
(d) Will.

3. The narrator must learn that everything in the world that man has learned to perceive is tied to the position of the ________.
(a) Assemblage point.
(b) Perceptual blankness.
(c) Allies.
(d) Dream.

4. Who is able to easily change forms as they are working within the group of seers and apprenticers?
(a) Don Genaro.
(b) Don Juan.
(c) Don Carlos.
(d) La Catalina.

5. The wife of Julian is actually a young woman who donned a disguise to hide from a monstrous __________ who imprisoned them.
(a) Feather.
(b) Rock.
(c) Man.
(d) Spirit.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the mold takes shape, the narrator is ready to worship God personified. At this point Don Juan smacks the narrator in the ______.

2. Don Juan states that the mold of man is not a creator, it is a _____ of human attributes and worshiping it is an act of arrogance.

3. The narrator, Don Juan, and Genaro sit on a bench. Genaro goes to sleep and his body _______. Genaro then waved from the other side of the square.

4. Don Juan tells the narrator that it is possible to be in two places at once through the use of the ______ body.

5. Where is La Catalina waiting for the men when they arrive in the desert to work with her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Don Juan say that Carlos can do if he is using his dreaming body?

2. Why is La Catalina attracted to Carlos, which is why they need to see each other?

3. Why is Carlos brought out into the desert with Don Juan and Don Genaro?

4. What does Don Juan say that the mold of man actually is when speaking to Carlos?

5. What does normal awareness include in its two bands of emanation?

6. What is the name for the transition period when the assemblage point is moving from the normal position?

7. What did the old seers pattern themselves on, according to Don Juan?

8. What happens when one shifts their assemblage point? What is the seer thus allowed as a result of this action?

9. Describe the character of Julian's wife as she is described by Don Juan.

10. What are the forty-eight bands of emanations of Earth comprised of, according to Don Juan?

(see the answer keys)

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