The Finisher Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Finisher Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How frequently does the Duelum take place in Wormwood?
(a) Once every five years.
(b) Twice a year.
(c) Once a year.
(d) Once every two years.

2. Where does Vega Jane find her brother crying?
(a) Stacks.
(b) Valhall.
(c) The Care.
(d) Steeples.

3. Delph threatens Vega by telling her that if she doesn’t allow him to go with her into Stacks, he’ll tell ___________.
(a) Silas.
(b) Domitar.
(c) Alvis Alcumus.
(d) Quentin Herms.

4. How are Delph and Harry Two injured when Vega flies over the Wall?
(a) They are shot.
(b) They suffer from oxygen shortage.
(c) They are stabbed.
(d) They fall 100 feet.

5. What is the name of the clothing store that Vega goes to in QUADRAGINTA QUATTUOR: “Vega Down Under”?
(a) Fancy Frocks.
(b) Helen's Clothing.
(c) Female Frocks.
(d) Fuster’s Frocks.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who visits Vega the night before the final battle of the Duelum to wish her luck?

2. Where does Vega drop off her forged letter in QUADRAGINTA QUATTUOR: “Vega Down Under”?

3. Morrigone's magical spell attempts to make Vega ___________________.

4. What does “VIW” stand for, according to the narrator in TRIGINTA QUINQUE: “The Battle Begins”?

5. What item of her opponent’s attire does Vega Jane use to her advantage in winning her second fight in the Duelum?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Delph become injured in TRIGINTA SEPTEM: “A Case of Cobbles”?

2. Whom is Vega slated to fight in the first round of the Duelum in TRIGINTA TRES: “Foes United”? How does Vega feel about this opponent?

3. Who comes to Vega Jane’s home to arrest her in VIGINTI OCTO: “Valhall”? Why?

4. What happens when Vega opens one of the books in the Hall of Truth in TRIGINTA SEX: “Hall of Truth”?

5. What message does Vega Jane receive from Thansius in QUINQUAGINTA DUO: “The End of the Beginning”?

6. How is Duk Dodgson described in QUADRAGINTA DUO: “A Bit of Mischief”? How does Vega perform in her fight against him?

7. How does Vega Jane describe the Duelum event in Wormwood in VIGINTI SEPTEM: “The Duelum”?

8. What is announced on the banner across High Street in the beginning of VIGINTI SEPTEM: “The Duelum”?

9. What plan does Delph announce to Vega when he arrives in TRIGINTA UNUS: “Practice Makes Imperfect”?

10. Why does Vega go to visit Thansius in QUADRAGINTA TRES: “A Matter of Parchment”? What does Vega do while at Thansius’s residence?

(see the answer keys)

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