The Finisher Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Finisher Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Vega Jane put the book from Quentin Herms’s home when she arrives at Stacks?
(a) In a hole she digs outside of Stacks.
(b) In her desk.
(c) Under her bed.
(d) In her work locker.

2. What “remains” of Quentin Herms does Thansius present to the crowd at the meeting in DUODECIM: “The Impossible Possibility”?
(a) An eyeball.
(b) A head.
(c) A foot.
(d) A hand.

3. Who is the Wug that is said to have founded Wormwood?
(a) Alvis Alcumus.
(b) Quentin Herms.
(c) Thansius.
(d) Jurik Krone.

4. Where is Selene Jones shop that specializes in Noc-gazing?
(a) High Street.
(b) The Low Road.
(c) Valhall.
(d) Stacks.

5. Who tells Vega that he’s been appointed chief of the newly established Wormwood Constabulary?
(a) Domitar.
(b) Newton Tilt.
(c) John Jane.
(d) Roman Picus.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Morrigone’s butler who shows Vega and John to the lavatory in TREDECIM: “Morrigone Calls”?

2. What color hair is Morrigone described as having in SEPTEM: “Morrigone”?

3. What is the term “Wug” short for in the novel?

4. What color light does Morrigone shoot at Delph?

5. Morrigone tells Vega and John that her grandfather was on the Council with whom?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Vega introduce herself and Delph in UNUS: “A Place Called Wormwood”? How old are these characters?

2. What book does Vega discover hidden in Quentin Herms’s cottage in OCTO: “Inside a Book”? Where does she find it?

3. Who speaks to Vega Jane on the battlefield in VIGINTI TRES: “Who Must Survive”? What is given to Vega?

4. What suggestion does John Jane make regarding the Wall in QUATTUORDECIM: “A Night of Queries”?

5. What is the reward that Julius Domitar describes to his employees in NOVEM: “The Reward”?

6. Why does Vega return to Stacks after work in VIGINTI UNUS: “Eon and the Hole”? What does Vega see in the pit there?

7. What information does Thansius present at the special meeting in DUODECIM: “The Impossible Possibility”?

8. What proposal does Morrigone make to Vega in SEDECIM: “The Taking of John”? How does Vega respond?

9. How does Vega describe the progress and work on the Wall in SEPTENDECIM: “Harry Two”?

10. What message from Quentin Herms does Vega discover in DUO: “Stacks”? What does Vega do with the message?

(see the answer keys)

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