The Finisher Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Finisher Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many coins does Morrigone give to Delph for work he’s recently done at her home?
(a) 2.
(b) 5.
(c) 6.
(d) 3.

2. Who is the guard that Vega knocks out in UNDEVIGINTI: “Truly Alone”?
(a) Cletus Loon.
(b) Newton Tilt.
(c) Non.
(d) Duf Delphia.

3. On whose property does Vega Jane bury Quentin Herms’s book?
(a) Ran Digby’s property.
(b) Hector Jane’s property.
(c) Roman Picus’s property.
(d) Duf Delphias’s property.

4. What does Vega discover she is able to do by putting the chain around her waist in UNDECIM: “The Chain of Destin”?
(a) She is able to sing.
(b) She is able to fly.
(c) She is able to read minds.
(d) She is able to become invisible.

5. Who tries to bargain with Morrigone for higher wages for his work filling morta orders?
(a) Cletus Loon.
(b) Ted Racksport.
(c) Thansius.
(d) John Jane.

6. What color hair is Morrigone described as having in SEPTEM: “Morrigone”?
(a) Black.
(b) Red.
(c) Blonde.
(d) Brown.

7. How much “flame water” is specified in the reward that Domitar tells Stacks' employees about in NOVEM: "The Reward"?
(a) 1 pint.
(b) 5 quarts.
(c) 2 quarts.
(d) 10 quarts.

8. Why does Morrigone say she’s offering Vega coins in SEPTENDECIM: “Harry Two”?
(a) To pay Vega for cleaning her home.
(b) As thanks for letting John live with her.
(c) To pay for Vega’s lodging at the boarding house.
(d) To repay Vega for saving her life.

9. Of what race is the Wug Nida said to have descended from in UNDEVIGINTI: “Truly Alone”?
(a) The Creta race.
(b) The Jabbit race.
(c) The Adar race.
(d) The Pech race.

10. What metal are the keys made of that Eon gives to Vega?
(a) Platinum.
(b) Gold.
(c) Tin.
(d) Silver.

11. Who is the head of the Council and the leader of Wormwood?
(a) Thansius.
(b) Domitar.
(c) Thaddeus Kitchen.
(d) Quentin Herms.

12. What is the name of the guard who stamps the employees’ hands when they enter Stacks?
(a) Thaddeus Kitchen.
(b) Quentin Herms.
(c) Dis Fidus.
(d) Hector Jane.

13. Which Council member's voice does Vega recognize when that person comes into Quentin Herms’s home?
(a) Quentin Herms.
(b) Morrigone.
(c) Jurik Krone.
(d) Ran Digby.

14. Who is the Council member who asks Vega Jane what she’s doing there when Vega witnesses a Wug she knows disappearing into the boundary surrounding Wormwood?
(a) Thansius.
(b) Morrigone.
(c) Jurik Krone.
(d) Helen Jane.

15. What letters are imprinted on the links of the chain that Vega finds in UNDECIM: “The Chain of Destin”?
(a) M-O-R-R-I-G-O-N-E.
(b) D-E-S-T-I-N.
(c) E-L-E-M-E-N-T-A-L.
(d) A-D-D-E-R.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Selene Jones shop that specializes in Noc-gazing?

2. What kind of tree does Vega Jane bury the secret book next to in UNDECIM: “The Chain of Destin”?

3. According to Vega, what is the history behind the name "Stacks"?

4. What is Delph’s father’s profession?

5. What is the name of Vega’s brother?

(see the answer keys)

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