The Finisher Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Finisher Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 47-52.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Vega go for dinner in QUINQUAGINTA DUO: “The End of the Beginning”?
(a) Linda's Cook House.
(b) Betty’s Kitchen.
(c) The Starving Tove.
(d) The Green Pea.

2. What kind of tree does Vega Jane bury the secret book next to in UNDECIM: “The Chain of Destin”?
(a) A willow tree.
(b) A poplar tree.
(c) An almond tree.
(d) A pine tree.

3. Whom does Delph attack while protecting Vega in VIGINTI SEPTEM: “The Duelum”?
(a) Domitar.
(b) Duk Dodgson.
(c) Cletus Loon.
(d) Thansius.

4. What is the name of Morrigone’s butler who shows Vega and John to the lavatory in TREDECIM: “Morrigone Calls”?
(a) William.
(b) Ran Digby.
(c) Ezekiel.
(d) Domitar.

5. When Vega enters the Hall of Truth, she sees Quentin Herms running through the Quag being chased by what creatures?
(a) Jabbits.
(b) Cobbles.
(c) Cretas.
(d) Freks.

Short Answer Questions

1. How are Delph and Harry Two injured when Vega flies over the Wall?

2. What does Hestia Loon give to Vega in the cloth bag in TRIGINTA DUO: “A Single Care”?

3. Who is the Wall worker that explains to Vega and Delph how Duf Delphia was injured?

4. What twenty-four-year-old Wug is described in VIGINTI OCTO: “Valhall” as “the youngest member of Council”?

5. How old is Vega Jane at the beginning of the novel?

(see the answer key)

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