The Finisher Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Finisher Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 26-30.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Morrigone say Jurik Krone actually hated in TRIGINTA: “Do or Die”?
(a) Virgil Jane.
(b) Morrigone.
(c) Hector Jane.
(d) Thansius.

2. What particular mushroom was Morrigone’s father searching for near the Quag when he disappeared?
(a) Amanita fulva.
(b) Enokitake.
(c) Morchella conica.
(d) Hericium erinaceus.

3. Which word refers to gun-like weapons?
(a) Cretas.
(b) Mortas.
(c) Jabbits.
(d) Freks.

4. Morrigone tells Vega that if she should flee instead of participating in the Duelum, who will be taken prisoner in her place?
(a) Ezekiel.
(b) Thansius.
(c) Domitar.
(d) Delph.

5. The chain that Vega discovers in UNDECIM: “The Chain of Destin” behaves like what kind of creature?
(a) A serpent.
(b) A puppy.
(c) A chicken.
(d) A caterpillar.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Ted Racksport?

2. Who is the Wug that owns a confectionery shop and tells Vega about the special meeting that’s been called?

3. Who makes the following statement to Vega at the boarding house: “That ugly, foul beast is nae comin’ in these proper digs.”?

4. What is the name of Morrigone’s butler who shows Vega and John to the lavatory in TREDECIM: “Morrigone Calls”?

5. According to Thansius, what is the prize if a female Wug wins the Duelum competition?

(see the answer key)

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