The Final Revival Of Opal & Nev Test | Final Test - Medium

Dawnie Walton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Final Revival Of Opal & Nev Test | Final Test - Medium

Dawnie Walton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the title of Chapter 21?
(a) "All Us Rug Rats."
(b) "Copy the Right, People, and the Rest Falls in Place."
(c) "That's How They Get You."
(d) "Flourish of Drama."

2. What is the title of Chapter 22?
(a) "Flourish of Drama."
(b) "That's How They Get You."
(c) "He Does What He Does, I Do What I Do."
(d) "Copy the Right, People, and the Rest Falls in Place."

3. How is Opal described as entering the stage in "The Opal and Nev Experience" article in Aural that was published in December of 1972?
(a) On a motorcycle.
(b) On a pogo stick.
(c) On an acrobatic swing.
(d) On a tightrope.

4. Who did Gloria Steinem say called her to tell her about Opal and Nev on the Dick Cavette show in her interview?
(a) Stephanie Jonasson.
(b) Jane Fonda.
(c) Martha McSally.
(d) Flo Kennedy.

5. What single featuring Nev on lead vocals was released for radio play from the Things We've Seen album?
(a) "Summer in Smoke."
(b) "Black Coffee."
(c) "The Last Road West."
(d) "Better Living on Mercury."

Short Answer Questions

1. In the iconic photograph of Nev and Opal after the riot, what was Opal desperate for Nev to do?

2. What band was playing at the 1969 Altamont Free Concert when a riot broke out involving the Hell's Angels?

3. Who first published Marion Jacobie's iconic photo of Opal and Nev after the riot?

4. What did Nev write to Bob Hize after seeing the headlines in the newspaper after the riot when he was in the hospital?

5. Where does Sunny describe driving to for the Derringdo event in Chapter 23?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Sunny do at the Derringdo festival?

2. Who is Marion Jacobie, and what is her significance in the novel?

3. What blame did Opal take for the Rivington Riot?

4. How was Opal injured during the riot at the Rivington Showcase?

5. What led to Opal revealing the flag onstage? How did she reveal it?

6. What caused a scene to break out at Bob Hize's memorial?

7. What caused Opal to depart the stage at the Derringdo festival?

8. Why did Corinne push Sunny to complete the book?

9. What led to Nev's addiction and how did it affect his work?

10. Who is Lizzie Harris and what is her significance in the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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