The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe Test | Final Test - Easy

Lynne McTaggart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe Test | Final Test - Easy

Lynne McTaggart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the Achuar and the Huaorani Indians, the dreamer is simply _____ borrowed by the dream.
(a) An interpreter.
(b) A vessel.
(c) An expert.
(d) A contractor.

2. Whose painting was used in the experiments with the psychic, Malcolm Bessent?
(a) Dali.
(b) Fragonard.
(c) Matisse.
(d) Van Gogh.

3. What kind of master from China was employed in Elisabeth Targ's healing experiments?
(a) Zen.
(b) Feng shui.
(c) Qigong.
(d) Acupressure.

4. Roger Nelson loaned a FieldREG machine to the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans to measure the consciousness field at their Sabbats and during ____.
(a) Lent.
(b) Passover.
(c) The equinox.
(d) The full moon.

5. To the Australian Aborigines, the rocks, stones, and mountains are alive and humans _____ the world into existence.
(a) Spoke.
(b) Sang.
(c) Dreamed.
(d) Breathed.

6. The book Contact was written by _____.
(a) John Harding.
(b) Steve Jobs.
(c) Stephen Hawking.
(d) Carl Sagan.

7. William Braud was considered a _____.
(a) Mathematician.
(b) Behaviorist.
(c) Neurobiologist.
(d) Communist.

8. According to the author, Elisabeth Targ had a passion for _____.
(a) The electromagnetometer.
(b) Running.
(c) Eating Iatlian food.
(d) The microscope.

9. The O.J. Simpson trial took over the _____ as the trial of the century.
(a) Ruby Ridge trial.
(b) Charles Mansion trial.
(c) Brown Versus the Board of Education.
(d) Scopes monkey trial.

10. A pathogen which has no reliable means of detection is called a _____.
(a) Dendrite.
(b) Tachyon.
(c) Nucleotide.
(d) Prion.

11. Dr. Bernard Grad chemically analyzed water treated by a healer with ______.
(a) Radiactive isotopes.
(b) Infrared spectroscopy.
(c) Phenolphthalein.
(d) Electromagnetometry.

12. Hal Puthoff referred to _____ as cosmic subways.
(a) Wormholes.
(b) Quantum particles.
(c) Vacuums.
(d) Asteroids.

13. At the meeting at the University of Sussex in 2001, Hal Puthoff was treated as a _____.
(a) Cult figure.
(b) Semi-genius.
(c) Pariah.
(d) Dottering old man.

14. What sort of hat was Ingo Swann wearing when he met Hal Puthoff for the first time?
(a) A white cowboy hat.
(b) A green stocking hat.
(c) A red beret.
(d) A black fedora.

15. Dean Radin began his ESP investigations when he was _____.
(a) Twenty-five.
(b) Twelve.
(c) Nineteen.
(d) Eight.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dean Radin's mother had been interested in _____, which may have influenced his interest in the idea of a collective consciousness.

2. The _____ was used to measure the amount of light transmitted through a solution.

3. What color suits were the CIA agents wearing who visited Hal Puthoff?

4. According to the author, the REG machine was a kind of _____ that measured the dynamics and coherence of a group.

5. The Zero Point Field was called the _____ of human consciousness by Edgar Mitchell.

(see the answer keys)

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