The Field Guide Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Holly Black
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Field Guide Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Holly Black
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mrs. Grace tell Mallory to do?

2. What was the first line of the poem on the paper about?

3. What sat on the end of the desk that had berries, dried plants and river rocks in them?

4. What does Mrs. Grace think Jared and Mallory are doing in the kitchen?

5. What does Jared's mother say to him when they are unloading the car?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Mallory do to the wall in the kitchen and what does she see?

2. What does the front door of the Graces' new home look like?

3. What does Mallory tell Simon and Jared about their Aunt Lucinda?

4. What does Mallory say about their new home, why does Jared think it will be good for Simon and what does he think of the home as far as he is concerned?

5. What does Simon do first in his new bedroom?

6. What does Jared see when he gets out of the dumbwaiter?

7. Why are Simon and Jared sharing a bedroom?

8. What is the additional worry about the Graces' new home?

9. What does the poem that Jared found contain and what does he hear as he is thinking about it?

10. What does Mrs. Grace say about the previous resident of their new home?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

There are non-human sentient beings in The Field Guide. Discuss the following:

1. Thoroughly discuss the brownie. Who are they? What are their powers? What is their purpose? Are they "good" or "evil"? What do they look like physically? What role do they play in forwarding the plot? Are they believable? Why or why not?

2. Thoroughly discuss the faerie. What are they? What are their powers? What is their purpose? Are they "good" or "evil"? What do they look like physically? What role does he play in forwarding the plot? Is he believable? Why or why not?

3. Thoroughly discuss Thimbletack. What is he? What are his powers? What is his purpose? Is he "good" or "evil"? What does he look like physically? What role does he play in forwarding the plot? Is he believable? Why or why not?

4. Do you think sentient, non-human beings adds to the enjoyment of The Field Guide? Explain your answer.

Essay Topic 2

Whenever reading a science fiction or fantasy novel, one must become familiar with new terminology that explains concepts or technology that is not a part of the "real" world. In the case of The Field Guide, much of the setting is familiar to the reader, though there are new ideas and terms to learn. Discuss the following:

1. Find five terms that are a part of The Field Guide's world that occur in the "real" world but are used differently in The Field Guide's world. Define the words as used in in The Field Guide's world and compare those five words as to how they are currently used in the American English language.

2. There are ways of learning about a new world or time when reading a science fiction or fantasy novel. Discuss the ways you were able to understand the world of The Field Guide. Did you have to look up any words? What does it mean to learn a word through its context? Do you have to do that in The Field Guide? What word(s)?

3. Were there any words you never really understood from The Field Guide? Which ones?

Essay Topic 3

Titles often play a vital role in making a person decide to read a particular book. Discuss the following:

1. Fully explain why you think The Field Guide is titled as such. Do you think it is the best title for the book? Why or why not? Can you think of a better title? Why would you choose it?

2. How important is a title in influencing you to consider reading a book? Explain your answer.

3. Do you think a title needs to have direct relevance to a book's content? Explain your answer.

4. Have you ever read a book that when you finished, you do not understand the relevance of the title? Does it discourage you from "trusting" that particular author again?

(see the answer keys)

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