The Fault in Our Stars Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Fault in Our Stars Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Hazel say her parents met while in the Peace Corps in Chapter 5?
(a) Papua, New Guinea
(b) Athens, Greece
(c) Machu Picchu, Peru
(d) Beirut, Lebanon

2. What is described in Chapter 6 as Augustus’s favorite band?
(a) The Flaming Lips
(b) The White Stripes
(c) The Hectic Glow
(d) The Beatles

3. Who is with Staff Sergeant Max Mayhem in the dark, empty room in the video game that Hazel plays with Isaac in Chapter 9?
(a) Corporal Christendom
(b) Private Jasper Jacks
(c) Captain Kirk Kendall
(d) Major Michael Misbehave

4. What does Hazel say she was diagnosed with at age thirteen in Chapter 2?
(a) Stage IV leukemia
(b) Stage II lung cancer
(c) Stage III diabetes
(d) Stage IV thyroid cancer

5. What hospital is Hazel taken to in Chapter 7?
(a) Children’s Hospital
(b) Memorial Hospital
(c) St. Augustine Hospital
(d) Bennington Hospital

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the video game Augustus and Isaac are playing when Hazel arrives in Chapter 4?

2. In his letter to Augustus in Chapter 7, Von Houten writes, “Language buries, but does not” what?

3. What does “NEC” stand for in the narrative?

4. The protagonist in the book that Augustus lent Hazel is described in Chapter 3 as killing how many people in 284 pages?

5. What illness led to Augustus’s ex-girlfriend’s death?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are Augustus’s driving skills described in Chapter 2?

2. What does Hazel say she considers depression to be a side effect of in Chapter 1?

3. What exchange takes place between Hazel and Augustus via text message in Chapter 4?

4. What does Hazel encounter when she arrives at Augustus’s house in Chapter 4?

5. How do Hazel’s doctors respond when she asks about traveling to Amsterdam in Chapter 8?

6. What does Augustus reveal about himself at the cancer support group meeting in Chapter 1?

7. What information about Peter Van Houten does Augustus relate to Hazel in Chapter 5?

8. Why does Augustus suggest selling Hazel’s swing set in Chapter 8?

9. How does the relationship between Hazel and Augustus progress in Chapter 6? What fears does Hazel exhibit about Augustus?

10. What do Hazel and her mother encounter when the approach the door of Augustus’s house in Chapter 10? How do they respond?

(see the answer keys)

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