The Fate of Liberty Test | Final Test - Medium

Mark E. Neely, Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fate of Liberty Test | Final Test - Medium

Mark E. Neely, Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Lincoln, what differentiates his actions from that of a dictator?
(a) Dictators do not have the country's best interests at heart.
(b) He was elected and can be impeached.
(c) His actions are valid under the rules of martial law during war.
(d) He is accountable to Congress and the American people.

2. Why does Lincoln feel the need to censure John Fremont?
(a) Fremont is a Confederate supporter.
(b) Lincoln believes Fremont is part of an assassination plot.
(c) Fremont's actions are political and outside his realm of power.
(d) Fremont is a Confederate spy.

3. According to President Lincoln, why would many civilian detainees have been in prison even with the right of habeas corpus?
(a) Friction and abrasion accompany war.
(b) The guilty are proven guilty.
(c) Providence judges the unjust.
(d) Innocence is easily determined.

4. In Chapter 9, why does the Illinois State Register accept martial law fait accompli?
(a) To prevent further damage to property or commerce.
(b) It has already been established and appears unchangeable.
(c) The safety of the citizens is more important than liberty.
(d) It has a legal precedent.

5. According to Lincoln, what act did President Jefferson commit without having the constitutional power to do so?
(a) War with the French.
(b) The Militia Act.
(c) The Louisiana Purchase.
(d) War with Mexico.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which 20th century historian depicts Lincoln as a merciful humanitarian caught in between preserving the Union and violating civil rights?

2. How long are military courts allowed to try civilians?

3. Why does President Lincoln write a letter to Erastus Corning?

4. Who is Joseph Holt?

5. In Chapter 6, what are the primary reasons for most arrests of Northern citizens?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is the Banshee declared an agent of the Confederacy?

2. Why does James Bryce liken President Lincoln to Oliver Cromwell?

3. Why is the Union careful to not offend Great Britain?

4. How does Lincoln explain his decision to suspend the writ of habeas corpus?

5. Describe the Dred Scott decision.

6. What is the "White Flag Affair?"

7. Who is Wes Bogan?

8. According to the laws of war, what happens to neutral crewmen when a neutral ship is confiscated?

9. Why does Joseph G. Knapp complain to Edward Bates?

10. Why does Francis Lieber recommend trials by military commission in 1864?

(see the answer keys)

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