The Fate of Liberty Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark E. Neely, Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fate of Liberty Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark E. Neely, Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the consequences of the Emancipation Proclamation concern Lincoln more than the reactions to the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus?
(a) The effects of the emancipation are permanent.
(b) The burden on the economy is too great.
(c) Trade with other countries will suffer.
(d) Commerce is more important than civil liberties.

2. Who is the presidential nominee for the Democratic party in 1864?
(a) John V. L. Pruyn.
(b) Sidney Cromwell.
(c) Abraham Lincoln.
(d) George B. McClellan.

3. How does Maryland protest the military arrest of citizens?
(a) With satirical songs and pamphlets.
(b) By destroying railroads.
(c) By burning bridges.
(d) By marching a group of women and children to the White House.

4. What complaint does Joseph G. Knapp send to Edward Bates in Chapter 8?
(a) The New Mexico military is misusing the habeas corpus order.
(b) The Union army is taking advantage of the Martial Law Act.
(c) The New Mexico military is misusing the Militia Act.
(d) The Union army is taking advantage of the Writ Act.

5. How does the crew of the Banshee avoid arrest?
(a) They claim to be foreign citizens.
(b) They raise the Union flag.
(c) They hide in an inlet.
(d) They have false papers.

6. With what crime is Skipper F. N. Bonneau charged?
(a) Treason.
(b) Piracy.
(c) Theft.
(d) Battery.

7. Which book does Andrew D. Duff write warnings of the dangerous precedents being set by President Lincoln's actions?
(a) The American Bastile.
(b) Low Tide for Liberty.
(c) The Prisoner of State.
(d) Footprints of Despotism.

8. What concerns does Joseph Holt have about rebel defectors who are found behind Union lines?
(a) They might escape and pass valuable information to the enemy.
(b) They might carry disease.
(c) They are too expensive to keep properly.
(d) They might be spies or messengers.

9. In Chapter 8, why is an elderly man charged with violating his oath of allegiance to the Union?
(a) For attending his daughter's wedding in Missouri.
(b) For traveling to his son's funeral in Kentucky.
(c) For writing to his son in the Confederate Army.
(d) For whistling "Dixie" in public.

10. As a congressman in 1848, why doesn't Lincoln want to wait for a constitutional amendment?
(a) He believes the amendment will be too weak.
(b) He fears Congress will not act in the best interests of the country.
(c) He prefers the use of presidential "express authority."
(d) He believes Confederate spies are working within Congress.

11. According to Colonel F. C. Ainsworth's study, how many civilian prisoners were detained during the Civil War?
(a) 38,000.
(b) 13,535.
(c) 112,000.
(d) 5,000-10,000.

12. Who is Dred Scott?
(a) A slave who sues for his freedom.
(b) A wealthy businessman arrested for blockade running.
(c) A Confederate spy.
(d) A grocer arrested for bringing illegal goods across picket lines.

13. What sentence does Joseph Holt request for Wes Brogan?
(a) Hard labor.
(b) Imprisonment.
(c) Deportation.
(d) Hanging.

14. According to "American Bastile", how many civilians are illegally detained during the Civil War?
(a) 5,000-10,000.
(b) 20,000.
(c) 13,535.
(d) 942.

15. Which Union general has President Lincoln's blessing to arrest all the men he wishes and freeing those who are willing to take an oath of allegiance?
(a) John A. Pope.
(b) William T. Sherman.
(c) Ulysses S. Grant.
(d) John A. Dix.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Kenneth A. Bernard attempt to defend Lincoln's character?

2. What is the significance of Ex parte Milligan?

3. What does the War Department do when James Hamilton reveals the horrors he suffered as a hostage?

4. What does the War Department and General E. R. S. Camby declare the Banshee?

5. Who is John Quincy Adams's political nemesis?

(see the answer keys)

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