The Far Side of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Far Side of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Aubrey push the crew so hard?
(a) Trying to catch up to the Norfolk.
(b) Trying to catch up to the Constitution.
(c) They have gotten lazy in port.
(d) They have been grumbling about mutiny.

2. When does Aubrey believe they might perish?
(a) He never gives up hope.
(b) When they are still swimming and dawn comes.
(c) When they see several shark fins.
(d) When they see a big storm coming their way.

3. What does Aubrey plan to grab to save Maturin?
(a) He does not think that far ahead.
(b) The rudder.
(c) The long board being towed behind Surprise.
(d) The monkey lines.

4. Who does not return to the ship after Aubrey orders Surprise to set sail?
(a) Hollom, Horner and Mrs. Horner.
(b) Martin.
(c) Maturin and Martin.
(d) No one.

5. What do they learn as the Surprise is about ready?
(a) The Constitution has passed by.
(b) The Norfolk has passed by.
(c) Surprise is being recalled to the Mediterranean.
(d) The Norfolk is still in dry dock.

6. How does Maturin react to what he learns?
(a) He finds the effects of the coca leaf exhilerating and useful.
(b) He is intrigued by the psychological aspects of voodoo.
(c) He decides to adopt a couple of the shamen's techniques.
(d) He studies it to learn about rabies.

7. What does Aubrey do when Maturin tells him what the crew is discussing?
(a) Shrugs and says sometimes the crew has to solve things among themselves.
(b) Aubrey says they will never find Higgins by now and has Horner arrested.
(c) They take Horner to the infirmary and arrest Higgins.
(d) They search the ship for Higgins.

8. What is the passageway down the river like?
(a) A clear, deep channel.
(b) Tricky.
(c) Fast current and gentle bends.
(d) They do not have to go down the river.

9. Where are Aubrey and Maturin taken?
(a) To the women's island.
(b) To a British trading post.
(c) To a deserted island.
(d) To a French fort.

10. Why is Maturin furious when Aubrey turns to the open seas?
(a) He wanted to gather some fruit to prevent scurvy.
(b) He thinks the crew needs some shore time.
(c) He had wanted to go ashore on the Galapagoes.
(d) He is not upset.

11. What does Aubrey do when Maturin goes overboard?
(a) Leaps in to save him.
(b) Nothing as he does not observe it happen.
(c) Sounds the man overboard pipes.
(d) Throws some other things overboard to mark the spot.

12. Why is São Francisco mentioned?
(a) It is where Mrs. Hosker is born.
(b) It is where the USS Norfolk is last seen.
(c) It is where the Surprise goes for repairs.
(d) It is where the USS Constitution is last seen.

13. What does Maturin respond to Horner?
(a) He did not help Horner's wife abort the baby.
(b) He did not know Horner was still impotent.
(c) He tried to get Mrs. Horner to talk to her husband.
(d) He had no idea Mrs. Horner was pregnant.

14. What does Mrs. Horner claim about her husband?
(a) He will kill her if he learns she is pregnant.
(b) He is having an affair with another wife on the ship.
(c) He has syphilis.
(d) He is suicidal.

15. Where does Surprise sail?
(a) Due North away from the equator.
(b) Due west almost on the equator.
(c) Due east.
(d) Due south, crossing the equator that same day.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are Manu and Taio?

2. What does Higgins continue to do?

3. What does Surprise encounter and capture?

4. How does Aubrey get updated information about the ship he is chasing?

5. When does a strange wailing begin?

(see the answer keys)

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