The Fall of the House of Usher Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Fall of the House of Usher Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator say is the cause of his initial impression and feelings as he approaches the House of Usher?
(a) The knowledge that his best friend has died in that house
(b) A combination of his trepidation about his new job and being recently widowed
(c) A combination of how the entire outside of the house and grounds appeared
(d) The desire to do well in his new employment

2. For what temperament does the narrator say the Usher family is known?
(a) Mercurial
(b) Placid
(c) Artistic
(d) Sanguine

3. What else had prepared the narrator for Usher's appearance?
(a) By knowing what had happened to Usher's father
(b) Remembering a prophesy by a gypsy woman
(c) A letter penned by Usher's sister
(d) Remembering certain things about Usher as a child

4. What bewilders the narrator as he listens to Usher speak of his problem?
(a) Some of the symptoms that Usher relates pertaining to his malady
(b) Why Usher wants the narrator there
(c) Why Usher refuses to see a physician
(d) The way Usher speaks in a combination of French, English and Italian

5. What colors were the banners that floated on the place the lyrics describe?
(a) Yellow
(b) Black
(c) Blue
(d) Red

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator say may have originated in the tarn?

2. What does Usher try to overcome in the presence of the narrator according to the narrator?

3. Why does the narrator think he should read out loud to Usher?

4. What color is the light coming through the windows?

5. What does Usher hope to gain from the narrator?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the narrator feel as he approaches the House of Usher?

2. How does Roderick explain his invitation to a visit by the narrator?

3. How does the narrator react to Roderick's mood after Madeline's death?

4. What does Roderick seem to vacillate between?

5. What is Roderick's response to Madeline falling upon him?

6. How does the narrator help Roderick regarding Roderick's deceased sister?

7. What does the narrator discover when he gets up and bends his ear close to Roderick's mouth?

8. What does Roderick say drives him to despair?

9. To what does the narrator attribute the changes in Roderick?

10. What had Roderick written to the narrator to get the narrator to come visit?

(see the answer keys)

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