The Fall of the House of Usher Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Fall of the House of Usher Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What passages in the Pomponius Mela was interesting to the Usher?
(a) About the Egyptian afterlife
(b) About the Illuminati
(c) About the death of Christ
(d) About African Satrys

2. What does Roderick Usher hope will happen through a visit by the narrator?
(a) The narrator will fall in love with Usher's sister
(b) The narrator will endeavor to convince Usher's uncle of Usher's competence
(c) The narrator will cheer up Usher
(d) The narrator will convince the judge of the unjustness of the legal situation

3. How does the narrator explain what the two men witnessed when looking out the window?
(a) Satan's hand of evil
(b) Electrical phenomena
(c) The end of all hope
(d) God's vengeance

4. How does the narrator describe Usher's overall countenance?
(a) As not easily forgotton
(b) As unmemorable
(c) As commonplace
(d) As noble

5. At what point in an opium user's habit does Usher sometimes resemble?
(a) After the drug is worn off and the user has to eat some more
(b) During the initial time of intense excitement just after the user has had some opium
(c) During a time when trying to quit the habit and the user is shaking in delirious confusion
(d) When the drug is almost wore off

Short Answer Questions

1. What color is the light coming through the windows?

2. What does the narrator describe as long and improvised

3. How does Usher react to bright light?

4. Which work of Swedenborg's does the narrator mention?

5. What had Usher done as the narrator is reading to him?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Roderick explain his desire to delay the burial of Madeline?

2. How does the narrator feel as he approaches the House of Usher?

3. What does the narrator think of Roderick's ostensible reason for delaying Madeline's burial?

4. What announcement does Roderick abruptly make one evening?

5. What does the narrator attempt to do for several days, and then what does he conclude about his attempts?

6. What does the narrator regularly observe Roderick doing after Madeline's death?

7. How does the narrator find Roderick in the house?

8. What is one picture Roderick painted that the narrator describes and says it is not as abstract as the others?

9. What had Roderick's sister, up to the narrator's arrive, resisted, but how does that change after the narrator arrives at the house of Usher?

10. What does the narrator notice Roderick doing as they hear a clanging sound at the same time the book mentions the same such sound?

(see the answer keys)

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