The Eyre Affair: A Novel Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Jasper Fforde
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Eyre Affair: A Novel Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Jasper Fforde
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Eyre Affair: A Novel Lesson Plans

Chapter 1, A Woman Named Thursday Next, Chapter 2, Gad's Hill, and Chapter 3, Back at my Desk

• Thursday Next, a literary detective for SpecOps, is introduced as the protagonist and narrator.

• Thursday's father, who used to work for the ChronoGuard and is now on the run, is introduced, and slows time when he visits her.

• The Crimea War, which has been going on for over 130 years, is introduced.

• Thursday fought in the Crimean War and lost her brother there.
• Thursday is called to Gad's Hill Palace, the location of the Dickens' Museum, where Thursday designed the security system in place.

• The original manuscript of Martin Chuzzlewit has been stolen.

• Aside from an abnormality in the glass on the display case, there is no evidence at the scene.

• The surveillance tapes reveal nothing; it appears that the manuscript vanished into thin air.
• Landon Park-Laine, who was Anton's best friend and Thursday's...

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