The Ex Hex Test | Final Test - Medium

Erin Sterling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ex Hex Test | Final Test - Medium

Erin Sterling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the head of the witchery department at the college ask Vivi and Rhys to do?
(a) Contact Rhys's father.
(b) Re-bind the ghost.
(c) Leave town immediately.
(d) Find a way to charge the ley lines.

2. In Chapter 18, why does Vivi say she and Rhys should not be involved?
(a) He is getting married soon.
(b) She is leaving town soon.
(c) He is leaving town soon.
(d) She is getting married soon.

3. Why does Vivi not use magic to clean her apartment?
(a) She does not know how to use magic to clean her apartment.
(b) She likes to do it herself and catch up on podcasts.
(c) She likes to set a good example for her daughter.
(d) She pays someone else to do it.

4. Where does Vivi leave the Eurydice Candle before she can bring it back to the college witches?
(a) Rhys's house.
(b) Her apartment.
(c) The park.
(d) Something Wicked.

5. In Chapter 21, who appears at Piper's old house?
(a) Hainsley and Sara.
(b) Henry.
(c) Mark.
(d) Gwyn.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Vivi and Rhys do after capturing Piper in the candle?

2. What does Elaine tell Vivi she should have done before using the candle?

3. What does Rhys check Vivi's desk for when he gets to her office in Chapter 13?

4. In Chapter 16, why does Vivi think Rhys may be more competent than she had thought?

5. In Chapter 18, where do Rhys and Vivi go together?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 14, why does Rhys call Wells?

2. In Chapter 19, who is the ghost Vivi and Rhys must try to capture?

3. In Chapter 15, what scary thing happens in the library?

4. In Chapter 23, what term of endearment does Rhys use for Vivi and what is its origin?

5. In Chapter 24, what does Aunt Elaine say about Vivi's mother that surprises Vivi?

6. In Chapter 18, what has the witch in the coffee shop been selling with the coffee?

7. In Chapter 24, what does Aunt Elaine say about the Eurydice candle?

8. Who do Rhys and Vivi almost encounter at the haunted house in Chapter 21?

9. Who is Amanda Carter in reality?

10. In Chapter 17, what advice does Gwyn give Vivi about Rhys?

(see the answer keys)

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