The Ex Hex Test | Final Test - Easy

Erin Sterling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ex Hex Test | Final Test - Easy

Erin Sterling
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the librarian Vivi sees in Chapter 14 about giving Rhys access to special collections?
(a) Dr. Henderson.
(b) Dr. Fulke.
(c) Dr. Mars.
(d) Dr. Richie.

2. In Chapter 26, who has come to town unannounced to see Rhys?
(a) Bowen.
(b) Wells.
(c) Simon Penhallow.
(d) Rhys's mother.

3. In Chapter 19, how does Vivi learn Piper died?
(a) Doing a seance.
(b) Doing a summoning spell.
(c) Using a Eurydice Candle.
(d) Doing a binding spell.

4. In Chapter 18, where do Rhys and Vivi go together?
(a) A theater.
(b) A coffee shop.
(c) A bar.
(d) A park.

5. Where does Vivi leave the Eurydice Candle before she can bring it back to the college witches?
(a) Rhys's house.
(b) The park.
(c) Her apartment.
(d) Something Wicked.

6. Who makes the best caramel-apple pies at the fair?
(a) Mrs. Smith.
(b) Mrs. Michaelson.
(c) Mrs. Highstrom.
(d) Mrs. Crocker.

7. What does Rhys ask Vivi right before they have sex in Chapter 25?
(a) If she has a condom with her.
(b) What she wants right then.
(c) If she will regret it in the morning.
(d) If she really wants to have a baby.

8. In Chapter 20, what does Vivi tell Simon about the curse that Aunt Elaine figured out?
(a) It only works when it is light outside.
(b) It only works during a full moon.
(c) It only works as long as Vivi is alive.
(d) It only exists within the town limits of Graves Glen.

9. In Chapter 15, what does Rhys say when Vivi asks if he has seen a ghost before?
(a) He has seen many ghosts.
(b) He saw something he thought was a ghost.
(c) Yes, but only once.
(d) Certainly not.

10. What does the head of the witchery department at the college ask Vivi and Rhys to do?
(a) Leave town immediately.
(b) Re-bind the ghost.
(c) Find a way to charge the ley lines.
(d) Contact Rhys's father.

11. In Chapter 14, why does Rhys get infuriated at Vivi?
(a) She says they were barely even a couple.
(b) She says she is in love with someone else.
(c) She says he is not really a witch.
(d) She says she is not really a witch.

12. How does the witching department at the college keep regular students away from its buildings?
(a) With big hedges.
(b) With repulsion spells.
(c) With a "Keep Out" sign.
(d) With crime tape.

13. In Chapter 20, how long does Vivi say she thinks it will take to get the ghost in the haunted house?
(a) 60 minutes.
(b) 3 minutes.
(c) 20 minutes.
(d) 40 minutes.

14. In Chapter 14, what does Rhys tell Vivi she is doing too loudly?
(a) Thinking.
(b) Eating.
(c) Singing.
(d) Breathing.

15. In Chapter 15, what does Rhys do when he first kisses Vivi?
(a) Steps on her toes by accident.
(b) Reaches for her bag to steal her wallet.
(c) Opens his eyes wide.
(d) Growls in a low and hungry way.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 26, what does Vivi wear to the fair?

2. In Chapter 18, why does Vivi say she and Rhys should not be involved?

3. In Chapter 20, how does Vivi summon Rhys that he thinks is sexy?

4. What does Vivi find out about Amanda Carter in Chapter 24?

5. Why is Gwyn mad at Vivi and Rhys in Chapter 26?

(see the answer keys)

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