The Everlasting Man Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Everlasting Man Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What position does Chesterton take in the chapter "The Riddles of the Gospel"?
(a) A believer.
(b) That of someone seeing the New Testament for the first time.
(c) The stance of a skeptic.
(d) A scientific outlook.

2. What does Chesterton say Europe would look like if it had continued in paganism?
(a) Barbarous.
(b) Asia.
(c) The dark ages.
(d) Amoral.

3. What practice does Chesterton say that Christ started by his teachings?
(a) Subservience to an all powerful God.
(b) All of these.
(c) The exaltation of childhood.
(d) The mixing of religion and revolution.

4. What two important elements from the past did the arrival of Christ unite, according to Chesterton?
(a) The beliefs of the shepherds and the philosophers.
(b) God and man.
(c) Religion and exclusion.
(d) Faith and morality.

5. According to Chesterton, what was Rome?
(a) The pinnacle of man's ability on earth without God.
(b) Necessary for the arrival of Christ.
(c) A lone beacon in an age of darkness.
(d) The end of paganism.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Chesterton claim the Christian church is not and never has been?

2. What does Chesterton say of society and the church during the rise of Christianity?

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the three distinct things that make up one in the Christmas story?

4. What does Chesterton state that mankind recognized from the very beginning?

5. What popular belief about the New Testament does Chesterton refute?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the religious state of Rome when Christ appeared?

2. Explain how Chesterton comes to the conclusion that Christ was an intellectually apt and astute man?

3. Why does Chesterton attempt to look at the Gospels as one who had never seen them before?

4. What comprises the last chapter of the book "The Everlasting Man"? Summarize what it says.

5. What significance does Chesterton assign to the Christmas story happening in a cave?

6. Explain Chesterton's view on the role of the mother in the Christmas story.

7. Explain the difference that Chesterton sees in the wandering of Christ from the wandering of other philosophers.

8. How does Chesterton refute the common idea to label Christ as a man who was a great philosopher, or a social reformer, or a healer?

9. What importance does Chesterton assign to the "Merry Peasant"?

10. Describe the Europe that Chesterton says would exist if the world still lived in paganism.

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