The Everlasting Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Everlasting Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following best describes Chesterton's view of the theory of evolution?
(a) It is blasphemous.
(b) It is useful to explain the world in conjunction with God.
(c) It is irrelevant to and disconnected from his topic.
(d) It is a mistaken scientific fad.

2. What does Chesterton refer to as a cornerstone of humanity?
(a) The book of Job.
(b) Monotheism.
(c) Christianity.
(d) The Old Testament.

3. What aspect of the cave-man does Chesterton find greatly important?
(a) Language.
(b) The huge difference between cave men and apes.
(c) The emergence of religion.
(d) The artistry of cave drawings.

4. Which of the following is something Chesterton says future scientists will deduce from 20th Century initials carved in stone?
(a) The 20th Century had no cursive or small letters.
(b) The 20th Century had no religion.
(c) The 20th Century did not practice the art of sculpture.
(d) All of these.

5. In what way does Chesterton say the philosophers gained great influence?
(a) By presenting ideas that explained the natural world.
(b) By creating order out of chaos.
(c) By throwing doubt on superstition and false beliefs.
(d) As advisors to kings.

Short Answer Questions

1. What two civilizations does Chesterton use for evidence against much of the belief in his time about cave men?

2. Who or what does Chesterton credit with the preservation of the true religion of mankind?

3. What does Chesterton say is a danger when analyzing mythologies?

4. In Part I, Chapter 1, which of the following does Chesterton recommend doing?

5. What does Chesterton claim the evidence proves about cave men?

Short Essay Questions

1. What parallel does Chesterton make between social structure and cannibalism? Explain.

2. What simple truth about mankind does Chesterton deduce from his discussion of the cave drawings? What arguments does he make?

3. Explain how and why, according to Chesterton, the pace at which things move changes our perception of them.

4. To what depiction of the cave-man does Chesterton most object and why?

5. How well does Chesterton think science is explaining the origins of mankind? Why?

6. Explain how, according to Chesterton, monotheistic religion becomes polytheistic.

7. Chesterton claims to see the concept of an all powerful God in many pagan religions. Explain his position.

8. As a way to demonstrate the potential deficiencies in deductive reasoning, Chesterton uses an example of 20th Century initials being carved in a rock. Explain this example and what it is meant to convey.

9. How does Chesterton describe the religious experience of the Romans?

10. Explain how Chesterton uses Egypt and Babylon to further his arguments.

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