The Everglades: River of Grass Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Everglades: River of Grass Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. They had no metals or flints to work with, only _________.

2. This rock structure is referred to as the Floridian ____________.

3. Spain obtained control of Florida again after what?

4. In the end, did Menendez achieve leadership in Florida?

5. The Indians were forced to sign the Treaty of ___________ Landing.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why was Mexico more desired than Florida?

2. What takes place in Chapter Nine? Why does this take place?

3. For how long was there peace in Florida? Why?

4. How were the Indians affected by the arrival of the white man?

5. Describe the Indian tribes now living in Florida.

6. Describe the explorations of Christopher Columbus. How did inaccurate maps play a role in the discovery of the Americas?

7. Where are the Everglades located? Why is this important to this book?

8. How did the Indians react to the arrival of these Europeans?

9. Why did Jesuits arrive in Florida? How successful were they? Why?

10. From where did the Indians of Florida originate? How did their adjustment to living in Florida compare to that of the animals?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Miami and other nearby cities prospered in the years following the depression.

Part 1) Describe the events leading up to the Great Depression. What was the Great Depression? How was the country as a whole affected by it? How was Florida affected? How does this compare to the effects on the rest of the country? Explain.

Part 2) Why did Miami and other nearby cities prosper after the Great Depression? What does this reveal about these cities, Florida, and the rest of the country?

Part 3) Is Florida as popular today as it was after the Great Depression? Why or why not? Would you want to live in Florida? Why or why not? Why might people still be drawn to this state?

Essay Topic 2

Natural disasters occurred in Florida.

Part 1) What is considered a natural disaster? What natural disasters have taken place in Florida? What caused these disasters? How were those living in Florida affected by these disasters? How was the natural environment affected?

Part 2) Would the natural environment have been as affected by these disasters if they had not been changed by mankind? Explain. How has man tried to remedy the consequences of these disasters? Have these remedies been effective? Why or why not?

Part 3) What is being done today to help save the Everglades and other natural environments around our country? How do these efforts compare to those in the past? Has the U.S. learned from past mistakes? If so, how? If not, why not?

Essay Topic 3

The Everglades are a tropical region in Florida.

Part 1) Describe the Everglades. How do they compare to other regions on Florida? How does Florida as a whole compare to other regions of the U.S.?

Part 2) How have the Everglades changed over time? What has led to these changes? How have these changes affected other parts of Florida and the people and wildlife of Florida?

Part 3) How have other environments in the U.S. been affected by mankind? How does this compare to the affects on the Everglades? What does this reveal about mankind?

(see the answer keys)

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