The Ethics of Ambiguity; Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ethics of Ambiguity; Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Beauvoir recognize as the paradox that faces a man who is willing to fight for a valid cause?

2. What three considerations an individual make before acting are abstract, according to Beauvoir?

3. Of what does Beauvoir accuse political parties in their effort to control the ambiguity of the human condition?

4. What does Beauvoir note to be the objection of oppressors who are facing overthrow for the cause of freedom?

5. What is the future that Beauvoir sees for herself?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do societies attempt to help individuals hold onto the present according to Beauvoir?

2. Why does Beauvoir suggest man's life must always be an energetic striving?

3. How does Beauvoir characterize freedom that is won through denying freedom to others?

4. How does Beauvoir show that the complexity of the world affects those who are fighting for a cause?

5. How does Beauvoir relate death to life?

6. What does Beauvoir identify as one of the chief objections leveled against existentialism with regard to freedom?

7. What is an example that Beauvoir uses to illustrate the "Antinomies of Action"?

8. Why does Beauvoir write that the only way way that the oppressed can fulfill his freedom is through revolt?

9. What does Beauvoir mean when she says life id ambiguous?

10. What does Beauvoir mean with the phrase "Antinomies of Action"?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Beauvoir considers the present as nothing more that a passing moment between history and the future. Provide a commentary of how Beauvoir's perspective on the past, present, and future can be used to develop a use of time and outlook that can build toward personal freedom and help with plans of projects that will affect your future.

Essay Topic 2

Beauvoir comments extensively on the "sub-man". Define what Beauvoir's term, "sub-man," what causes an individual to take that station, and whether or not you see it as a common condition in modern society. Make your recommendations as to how an individual can move from this condition.

Essay Topic 3

Beauvoir devotes her section on "Ambiguity" to answering criticism of her views regarding its role in personal freedom. Compare and contrast Beauvoir's position to those that she answers both in Chapter Three and earlier in the book. What are of Beauvoir's views on ambiguity as well as those which dissent with her view? What are the disadvantages of each? Do you agree with Beauvoir or her detractors. Explain your answer.

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