The Ethics of Ambiguity; Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ethics of Ambiguity; Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3, The Positive Aspect of Ambiguity, Sections 1-3, The Aesthetic Attitude, Freedom and Liberation, The Antinomies of Action.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Beauvoir define the relationship of the "sub-man" to ethics and facticity?
(a) The "sub-man" considers ethics and facticity as interchangeable.
(b) The "sub-man" rejects the ambiguity of ethics as influences over his facticity.
(c) The "sub-man" rejects ethics and feels only the facticity of his existence.
(d) The "sub-man" accepts ethics as the facticity of his existence as unchangeable.

2. How does Beauvoir explain that the serious man becomes a dangerous tyrant?
(a) The consequences of his choices to devote himself to his goal requires that he direct the choices of those around him.
(b) He ignores the subjectivity of his choice and sacrifices the freedom of others to achieve his goals.
(c) His ultimate goal is always to exert power over other people and usurp their freedom to his purposes.
(d) His choice to reject the ambiguity of his freedom combined with the desire to achieve his goal drives him to subject those in his environment to nothing more than instruments of achievement.

3. How does Beauvoir define the present?
(a) The present is when the Aesthetic Attitude meets its most significant challenge.
(b) The present is not a potential past, it is the moment of choice and action.
(c) The present is the moment in which thought meets matter.
(d) The present is the point at which the will meets freedom.

4. What claim of existentialists does Beauvoir offer in defense of detractors to existentialism?
(a) Bouvoir claims that existentialists give focus to the importance of matter in reality.
(b) Bouvoir claims that existentialists believe that the world is willed by man, insofar as his will expresses his genuine reality.
(c) Bouvoir claims that existentialists offer their detractors important challenges to prove their theories.
(d) Bouvoir claims that existentialists help to accentuate the strengths of other theories.

5. How does Beauvoir claim that a slave can exercise freedom?
(a) By creating a world of freedom in their minds.
(b) By remaining ignorant of the consciousness of his slavery.
(c) By using their influence over other slaves to overthrow the slave owner.
(d) By showing expertise in a particular field to make his existence more valuable to the slave owner.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Beauvoir claim to be the affect of rejecting any extrinsic justification for internal choices?

2. What type of man does Beauvoir identify as being nihilistic?

3. How does Beauvoir identify dualism?

4. What does Beauvoir identify as the paradox of Marxist thought?

5. Why does Beauvoir claim one cannot assert that everything may be the object of contemplation?

(see the answer key)

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