The Ethics of Ambiguity; Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ethics of Ambiguity; Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 2, Personal Freedom and Others.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Beauvoir compare southern slaves to children?
(a) By comparing their faith in a heavenly afterlife to the fantasy world that children create in their minds.
(b) By comparing their obedience to the slave owner to that of children to adults in their lives.
(c) By comparing hopes for freedom to the a child's hope for the future.
(d) By comparing the ignorance of their condition to the ignorance of children to the realities of the world.

2. Why does Beauvoir claim that some individuals have lives that slip into an infantile world?
(a) Because they discover they are incompetent in the direction they choose for their lives.
(b) Because they never leave the fanciful world they create in their minds.
(c) Because the labor they choose prevents them from using their minds.
(d) Because they are kept in a state of servitude and ignorance and have no means of breaking the ceiling which is over their heads.

3. What does Beauvoir state is the goal at which her freedom aims?
(a) "Rejecting the verdicts of doubters and seeing the possibility of achieving ends through obstacles."
(b) "Seeing the doors of defeat before initiating and act."
(c) "...(C)onquering existence across the always inadequate density of being."
(d) "Understanding the difference between delusion, denial, and stone pounding to affirm true existence."

4. What does Beauvoir define as the drama of original choice?
(a) That its affects are ambiguous.
(b) That it justifies the positions of existentialists.
(c) That it has both cause and effect.
(d) That it goes on moment by moment for an entire lifetime.

5. What does Beauvoir claim matters to the serious man?
(a) Using his ambiguity to shape his ethics.
(b) Being able to lose himself in the nature of the object which he prefers to himself.
(c) Setting a track to achieve a predetermined goal.
(d) Subjecting himself to the project that defines his ambiguity to himself.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Beauvoir claim the condition of the world changes from child to adolescence?

2. How does human spontaneity give purpose to a human life, according to Beauvoir?

3. To what does Beauvoir compare the "sub-man"?

4. How does Beauvoir claim that Marxists consider man's actions to be valid?

5. In what way does Beauvoir suggest Marxists practice free will?

(see the answer key)

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