The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dossie Easton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dossie Easton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the book, jealousy can inform people about all of the following, EXCEPT for which of these?
(a) What they have misplaced.
(b) What they need to put more work into being able to have.
(c) What they need and want for themselves.
(d) What they have to do for all future partners.

2. In the authors' opinions, how can "sluts" become champions of boundaries?
(a) With casual observation.
(b) With callous exploitation.
(c) With caustic degradation.
(d) With cautious exploration.

3. What actions do the authors suggest are central to messing up a relationship?
(a) Deceit and manipulation.
(b) Oversight and abuse.
(c) Hatred and retaliation.
(d) Silence and disregard.

4. What is the focus of the book's discussion of sex?
(a) Sex for pleasure.
(b) Sex for reproduction.
(c) Sex for power.
(d) Sex for profits.

5. The book advocates sexual behavior as an activity that is meant to be what?
(a) Feared.
(b) Excessive.
(c) Enjoyed.
(d) Non-existent.

6. The authors state that for healthy intimate connections, it is important to ensure that loved ones know that they are what?
(a) Special.
(b) Alone.
(c) Safe.
(d) Loved.

7. The authors convey that the book is written to counteract the trend of individuals being forced out of what kind of sexual and romantic lives?
(a) Solitary lives.
(b) Homosexual lives.
(c) Rewarding lives.
(d) Degrading lives.

8. In "A Slut's Eye-View", the authors look at the ways promiscuous people are what?
(a) Obsessed.
(b) Assuaged.
(c) Oppressed.
(d) Assaulted.

9. In the book, what happened in the case of the woman who planned on being housemates with an opposite sex friend?
(a) She ended up moving out right away.
(b) She knew that they would never get together.
(c) She ended up spending 15 years with him.
(d) She knew right away he was sexually interested.

10. According to the book, many people are attacked purely because they are what?
(a) Homosexuals.
(b) Women.
(c) Sluts.
(d) Victims.

11. What do the authors assume people will not suffer from?
(a) Being over-staffed.
(b) Being under-handed.
(c) Being under-sexed.
(d) Being over-sexed.

12. Why did the author feel relieved about their visit to the special club?
(a) The men were not very sexually aggressive.
(b) The men were not very sexually passive.
(c) The women were not very sexually aggressive.
(d) The women were not very sexually passive.

13. Which of the following would least likely be a suitable option for some "sluts"?
(a) Celibacy.
(b) Polygamy.
(c) Civil union.
(d) Traditional marriage.

14. In what chapter do the authors introduce the idea of what a 'slut' is?
(a) A Slut's Eye View.
(b) Why We Chose This Title.
(c) Sexual Adventurousness.
(d) Who Is an Ethical Slut?

15. According to the authors, which of the following is one of the most important attributes for "healthy sluts"?
(a) Self-assertion.
(b) Self-knowledge.
(c) Self-reliance.
(d) Self-control.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the authors, "promiscuity" is typically an accusation that a person probably has too much sex, and what else?

2. According to its title, the third chapter of "Within Ourselves" discusses what kind of "Paradigms"?

3. As detailed in the book, what did one of the women experience shortly after becoming clear on being non-monogamous?

4. What is a negative consequence of subtle outercourse, according to the book?

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the first 3 chapters of "Between One Another"?

(see the answer keys)

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