Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How long is the carcass?
2. Why is Cora angry with Luke's letter?
3. What does Katherine believe the villagers of Aldwinter first thought about the smell?
4. How does Martha justify taking advantage of Spencer?
5. What does Evansford do when he hears about an unexplained death in St. Osyth?
Short Essay Questions
1. Who was watching Ambrose, Garrett, Spencer and Martha as they walked the streets of the housing project?
2. Why does Charles believe in Darwinism?
3. What caused Cora's harsh response to Luke Garrett's love declaration?
4. What does Charles Ambrose agree fully with when walking the streets of the London housing projects?
5. What kind of books did Cora request Luke bring for Francis?
6. What was Edward confessing to Martha regarding his involvement in his own stabbing?
7. What is Martha's suggested solution to Edward's marriage proposal?
8. How does Naomi come to realize that her friendship with Joanna is waning?
9. Why does Martha refuse Edward's marriage proposal?
10. What was the cause of the pervasive and foul smell in Aldwinter?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Francis, at the end of the novel, is away at school and writes his mother regularly. Explain the change in his behavior and discuss why the author chose to present him in this manner.
Essay Topic 2
There was a lot of superstition and hysteria surrounding the idea of the Essex Serpent. Write an essay that explains why regular, logical people are found to behave this way.
Essay Topic 3
Cora is accused of being a solipsist. Solipsist is defined as a theory in which only the self is proven to exist and includes a preoccupation of one's own feelings and desires; egotistical. Discuss your opinion of the theory and how it relates to Cora.
This section contains 597 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |