The Essex Serpent Test | Final Test - Medium

Sarah Perry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Essex Serpent Test | Final Test - Medium

Sarah Perry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What question does Francis ask of William Ransome?
(a) Francis asks William if he can visit with Stella.
(b) Francis asks William to explain sin.
(c) Francis asks William about the Essex Serpent.
(d) William is asked about Cora's love for Francis.

2. What does Katherine believe the villagers of Aldwinter first thought about the smell?
(a) Katherine believes the villagers thought they had died.
(b) The smell was believed to be a curse.
(c) The villagers thought the earth opened up revealing tar pits.
(d) She believes they all thought they were poisoned.

3. In London, why does Katherine visit Cora with Joanna?
(a) Katherine and Charles are watching the children while Stella is ill.
(b) Joanna asked to live with the Ambroses.
(c) Katherine have begun to mentor Joanna.
(d) Katherine and Charles have adopted Stella's children.

4. Why does Spencer write to Cora?
(a) To tell her of the injury and to leave Luke alone.
(b) To tell Cora she is forgiven by Luke but he could not write.
(c) To tel Cora all about the stabbing.
(d) To tell Cora that she is unduly cruel.

5. What does Cora discover about the body of the dead fish?
(a) The dead fish is no longer visible.
(b) Cora finds that the dead fish is a giant eel.
(c) She discovers that it is from Bermuda.
(d) There is an oar fish that looks the same found in Bermuda.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long is the carcass?

2. What happens as the villagers view the dead fish?

3. What is on the piece of paper Naomi slips to Joanna in the classroom?

4. According to Naomi, what does Joanna do when she thinks no one is looking at school?

5. What happens to Naomi at the White Hare tavern?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who was watching Ambrose, Garrett, Spencer and Martha as they walked the streets of the housing project?

2. What kind of books did Cora request Luke bring for Francis?

3. What was the cause of the pervasive and foul smell in Aldwinter?

4. What is Cora's prefered interaction with William Ransome?

5. What is Martha's suggested solution to Edward's marriage proposal?

6. Why does Martha refuse Edward's marriage proposal?

7. Why does Joanna want to strike her own father inside the church?

8. Why, according to Luke, does he not listen to Spencer?

9. Why does Luke Garrett suggests hypnosis for Joanna?

10. Where does William take Stella after Luke Garrett writes to him?

(see the answer keys)

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