The Essex Serpent Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Sarah Perry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Essex Serpent Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Sarah Perry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Martha think of Spencer?
(a) Martha thought that Spencer was a generous man.
(b) Martha though of Spencer as a source of influence and income.
(c) Martha was impressed with Spencer's wealth.
(d) Martha liked that Spencer was a socialist, like herself.

2. To whom are the Ambroses going to introduce Cora?
(a) The Taylors.
(b) The Ransomes.
(c) The Garretts.
(d) The Spencers.

3. While at church, who does a churchgoer without glasses mistake Cracknell for?
(a) Pastor Ransome.
(b) The Essex Serpent.
(c) The Trouble.
(d) Cora.

4. What causes the Fata Morgana illusion?
(a) The illusion is created by the heat rising off the ocean water.
(b) The Fata Morgan only shows itself to people with imagination.
(c) To see the Fata Morgana, you have to be in a specific location.
(d) To create the illusion, cold and warm air collide creating a refracting lens.

5. Why does William visit Cracknell?
(a) To check on Cracknell's well-being.
(b) To meet Charles and Katherine Ambrose.
(c) Because one of Cracknell's goats died.
(d) Cracknell had asked William to visit.

Short Answer Questions

1. What propaganda is used to promote the changing of London housing?

2. What is Spencer's occupation?

3. How does William and his family end up in Aldwinter?

4. When Cora and William meet, what do they realize together?

5. Stella Ransome had how many surviving children?

Short Essay Questions

1. What caused the naturalist, Mary Anning, to begin her studies of the natural sciences?

2. Who does Spencer write to to request help regarding improving the housing project in London?

3. According to Cracknell, what happened to one of his goats?

4. What did Cora send to William after their first meeting?

5. What does Cora think is of the utmost importance for a person to do for themselves?

6. What character is introduced reciting the parts of the human heart?

7. Who showed up to the Ransome's house while Cora was visiting for the first time?

8. What irritated Luke while he and Spencer traveled to Colchester via the train?

9. Who writes to Cora first to invite her to visit the family in Aldwinter?

10. Reverend Willliam Ransome was the Rector of what parish?

(see the answer keys)

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