The Essex Serpent Test | Final Test - Easy

Sarah Perry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Essex Serpent Test | Final Test - Easy

Sarah Perry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Spencer's mother just recently discover in their ancestral home?
(a) Spencer's mom found a skeleton.
(b) His mother found a lost dog.
(c) His mother discovered a locked room.
(d) Spencer's mother found a room they never knew was there.

2. Why does Spencer write to Cora?
(a) To tell Cora that she is unduly cruel.
(b) To tel Cora all about the stabbing.
(c) To tell Cora she is forgiven by Luke but he could not write.
(d) To tell her of the injury and to leave Luke alone.

3. How does Cora think William thinks of her?
(a) Cora thinks William is in love with her.
(b) She thinks William looks at her as simply a mind.
(c) She believes William thinks of her as friend.
(d) Cora thinks William believes she is just a friend of Stella's.

4. How long is the carcass?
(a) 20 feet.
(b) 30 feet.
(c) 40 feet.
(d) 10 feet.

5. How does William explain the answer to Francis' question?
(a) William states to sin is to try, but fall short.
(b) William fumbles over his word and is unable to properly answer.
(c) He provides Frances with a pamphlet about the Essex Serpent.
(d) William arranges a visit between Frances and Stella.

6. Why is Joanna willing to undergo hypnosis?
(a) Joanna believes she will be able to help them figure out what happened.
(b) Joanna wants to prove to Martha she is strong enough.
(c) She is excited to be considered an experiment.
(d) She is willing because it is what Cora wants her to do.

7. What does Joanna learn while staying with the Ambroses?
(a) Joanna is taught how to behave like a lady.
(b) Joanna learns how to read.
(c) She learns how to curl her hair with rags.
(d) She learns how to write.

8. When does Naomi go missing?
(a) The day Cracknell dies.
(b) Just before the summer dinner party at Cora's.
(c) Shortly after the hysteria at the school.
(d) After the incident at the tavern.

9. What is the purpose for Spencer asking for Charles' help with the housing in London?
(a) Spencer believes it will be a tremendous boost to the project.
(b) Charles' money is needed for Martha's project.
(c) Martha told Spencer he should ask Charles for the money.
(d) Spencer thinks it will make Martha see him.

10. What happens to Naomi at the White Hare tavern?
(a) Naomi is offered a drink.
(b) Naomi is asked to show her webbing.
(c) Naomi is raped.
(d) Naomi makes friends with the men drinking there.

11. How does Martha justify taking advantage of Spencer?
(a) Martha justifies using Spencer because she is a poor woman with no voice.
(b) Martha tells Luke that she is not taking advantage of Spencer.
(c) Martha tells Luke that Spencer has more than enough money to help the poor.
(d) Martha claims she has never made him any promises for his help.

12. What does Martha infer when she tells Edward she cannot marry him?
(a) She admits she is in love with Edward.
(b) She admits that she never wants to get married.
(c) She admits that she will always love Cora.
(d) She states she loves politics over all else.

13. After Martha and Edward listen to Eleanor Marx, what does Edward do?
(a) Edward asks Martha to live with him.
(b) Edward tells Martha that he needs to go back to work.
(c) He asks Martha how he could change anything if he was just a worker.
(d) He writes to Martha and proposes marriage.

14. Why does Katherine decide to let the children visit Stella?
(a) Joanna is upset after Cora's visit and Katherine wants to make her better.
(b) Katherine receives word from William that it is okay.
(c) Stella has asked to see her children.
(d) She finds them all together crying in the middle of the night.

15. Why does Cora write to Luke Garrett after the hysteria of the school girls?
(a) Cora believes Luke is smart enough to determine what the cause was for the hysteria.
(b) Luke Garrett likes to investigate psychological incidences.
(c) Cora thinks Luke can get Joanna to explain what happened.
(d) Cora wants Luke to perform hypnosis on Joanna.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Cora angry with Luke's letter?

2. What does Cora and William discover at the summer dinner party?

3. How many children does Stella birth?

4. What does Cracknell make sure he has in his window?

5. Why is Samuel Hall so angry with Edward Burton?

(see the answer keys)

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