The Essential Rumi Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Essential Rumi Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Rumi explains to readers that in our lives, God can be both active and:
(a) Loving.
(b) Indifferent.
(c) Forceful.
(d) Silent.

2. In a poem in Chapter 2, Book 2, about a king who loves a girl, what does the doctor say is afflicting her?
(a) She wants to go home to her husband.
(b) She's confused by the king's behavior around her.
(c) She's in love with another man.
(d) She misses her parents.

3. In "Town and Country," the countryside man becomes good friends with a:
(a) Gardener.
(b) Shopkeeper.
(c) Cook.
(d) Librarian.

4. According to Rumi, having people freely cooperate works better than what?
(a) Praying for a different outcome.
(b) Forcing them.
(c) Making animals do the work.
(d) Paying them.

5. Several of Rumi's poems in Book 2, Chapter 1 are about King Solomon and the Queen of:
(a) Shadai.
(b) Sheba.
(c) Arruba.
(d) Avalon.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does it take before the town friend in "Town and Country" finally decides to visit his friend in the country?

2. As sheik, Rumi notes that effective leaders need to do what?

3. Despite high tension between different religions during his lifetime, Rumi was able to do what?

4. When King Solomon woos a queen in Book 2, Chapter 1, he asks that she do what?

5. During his lifetime, Rumi was revered for his attitude of religious tolerance and:

Short Essay Questions

1. In one of Rumi's poems, what happens when somebody comes looking for Sheik Kharraqani?

2. How does Rumi use his story of a poor man who is healed to explain the nature of God?

3. What does King Solomon want from the Queen of Sheba?

4. According to Rumi, what limitations does one individual experience when trying to comprehend what another person is feeling?

5. Instead of doing battle on the military field, what should a good ruler strive for, according to Rumi?

6. Summarize the shopkeeper's experience in "Town and Country."

7. How familiar were Muslims with Christian concepts during Rumi's era?

8. Explain the significance of candles in this last section of the book.

9. In the story where a king falls in love with a girl, and the girl becomes ill, what does the king learn about himself after a doctor arrives on the scene?

10. Does Rumi disagree with holy scriptures?

(see the answer keys)

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