The Ersatz Elevator Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ersatz Elevator Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Sunny is getting undressed, what is the one word she says that casts a long shadow over the Baudelaires?
(a) Dog.
(b) Leave me alone.
(c) Stop.
(d) Olaf.

2. What kind of restaurant is Cafe Salmonella?
(a) A dessert restaurant.
(b) An Italian restaurant.
(c) A hamburger restaurant.
(d) A theme restaurant.

3. According to Mr. Squalor, what is one thing the children can do to save breath?
(a) Call each other by their first names.
(b) Sit down.
(c) Sleep.
(d) Sip the air.

4. Who are the orphans' new guardians?
(a) Mr. and Mrs. Dark.
(b) Mr. and Mrs. Squalor.
(c) Mr. and Mrs. Green.
(d) Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

5. Which character is dressed in black riding boots, a pinstriped suit, and a monocle?
(a) Jerome.
(b) Count Olaf.
(c) Esme.
(d) The doorman.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word does Gunther continue to use incorrectly?

2. What is the one thing Violet cannot find in her bedroom at the Squalor's penthouse apartment?

3. With whom does Esme have to meet early in the morning when she sends Jerome to get parsley soda?

4. On the way home from Café Salmonella, what does the taxicab pass that makes the children remember their parents?

5. What does Violet hope the new guardians will have for her when she gets to the apartment?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is significant about the Squalor library and its inventory?

2. Why is the meaning of "nervous" and "anxious" important to the reader's understanding of the novel?

3. Why does Esme reject her husband's idea to give the In Auction money to a good cause?

4. What is revealed about Esme's character when she says, "Quickly, before anybody sees that this apartment is still dark!"

5. What is the significance of the doorman telling the Baudelaire children and Jerome they can't go up to the penthouse until Gunther comes down?

6. What is revealed about Esme when she comments that orphans are so "in" they ought to be in the In Auction?

7. What is the importance of the Baudelaire orphans' friends being named Quagmire?

8. What is ironic about Mr. Poe telling the children about the staircase, "it's all uphill from here"?

9. Why don't Esme and Jerome Squalor believe the children that Gunther is really Count Olaf?

10. What does the Squalor's apartment say about their lives and their character?

(see the answer keys)

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