The Ersatz Elevator Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ersatz Elevator Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Esme believe about Count Olaf's intelligence?
(a) He's dimwitted.
(b) He's a genius.
(c) He's an idiot.
(d) He's "in."

2. When the Baudelaires arrive at the In Auction, what lot are the people bidding on?
(a) Lot #5.
(b) Lot #50.
(c) Lot #46.
(d) Lot #49.

3. What does Sunny suggest they do to escape from the elevator shaft?
(a) That she use her teeth to climb up.
(b) That they call for help.
(c) That they use the net to escape.
(d) That they drop down to the bottom.

4. Why is the climb up the ersatz rope less scary than going down it for the Baudelaire children?
(a) They know what awaits at the top of the rope.
(b) They know Jerome would help them.
(c) They know how to climb the ersatz rope.
(d) They know their friends are safe.

5. Who is seated by Gunther at the small stage at the In Auction?
(a) Mr. Poe.
(b) The doorman.
(c) Jerome.
(d) Esme.

6. What does Duncan try to tell Violet in his notebook?
(a) About the V.F.D.
(b) His poem about her.
(c) His drawings.
(d) His notes on Olaf.

7. According to Duncan, how does Gunther plan to smuggle the Quagmires out of the city?
(a) To hide them in the Squalor's apartment until they come of age.
(b) To hide the Quagmires inside one of the In Auction items.
(c) To wait until orphans are "out" and move them to his dungeon.
(d) To transport the Quagmires by train to the Fish District.

8. What do the Baudelaires do to the ceiling once they reach the dead end?
(a) Use an ax to tear it down.
(b) Attach ersatz lighting so they can see.
(c) Bang on it with their hands.
(d) Bang on it with their fire tongs.

9. After the first series of curves, what do the children hear above their heads?
(a) Esme.
(b) The doorman.
(c) Mr. Poe.
(d) Jerome.

10. What does Esme say at the In Auction that surprises Jerome?
(a) That she had makes enough money.
(b) That she wants to adopt the children.
(c) That she loves him.
(d) That she loves the children.

11. Why can't the Baudelaires climb out of the elevator shaft initially?
(a) The walls are greased with oil.
(b) Esme tells them not to do it.
(c) They are far away from the walls.
(d) The walls are too smooth.

12. Once the Baudelaires are successful with opening the trapdoor, where does the corridor end up?
(a) The spot where their house burned.
(b) Veblen Hall.
(c) The Fish District.
(d) The Stationary District.

13. According to the narrator, what do the Baudelaires feel as they climb the ersatz rope back to the penthouse?
(a) As if their whole life has been spent with Olaf.
(b) As if their whole life has been spent happily but flawed.
(c) As if their whole life has been spent in misery.
(d) As if their whole life has been spent in the pit.

14. What does the narrator say he would've done if he escaped from Gunther's plans?
(a) Run away to the far corner of the world and hide.
(b) Run away to a deserted island.
(c) Call the police.
(d) Tell everyone at Veblen Hall.

15. What bothers the children about Esme's demeanor as they head to the In Auction?
(a) That she is taking them and not Jerome.
(b) That she is annoyed.
(c) That she is so calm.
(d) That she is not discussing what's "in."

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the title of Lot #50 of the In Auction?

2. What does Isadora Quagmire have in her notebook?

3. What does the man in the sunglasses tell the Baudelaire children at the In Auction?

4. What is the doorman's real job?

5. Who caters the In Auction's food?

(see the answer keys)

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