The Erotic Poems Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Erotic Poems Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ovid recommend NOT doing at night?

2. Which fine art does Ovid recommend attending while trying to cure a love?

3. What does Ovid say of "ladies plucking their first gray hairs"?

4. What does Ovid say about seducing the maid of the lady you are after?

5. What does Ovid recommend to those that cannot distance themselves from the love they wish to get over?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ovid recommend doing should your lover fall ill?

2. What advice does Ovid give regarding makeup? What does he say about how much to wear and when to apply it?

3. What does Ovid recommend your behavior be like towards a lover you are trying to get over?

4. What advice does Ovid have for men regarding their hair, body, and clothes?

5. How would you describe Ovid's general approach to women as portrayed in The Art of Love?

6. What does Ovid say about time apart in a relationship?

7. What is Ovid's advice regarding how much to drink at parties?

8. Why does Ovid like to promise gifts?

9. What advice does Ovid give regarding the maids and servants of a lover?

10. What places does Ovid recommend for finding women?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Ovid's banishment from Rome remains one of the great historical mysteries. There are many clues and theories about the details of his banishment and what caused it. Write an essay covering in detail the known facts in the situation and the various theories regarding the unknown parts of his banishment.

Part 1. What concrete information do we have about Ovid's banishment? What is the official reason given for it?

Part 2. What important information is not known regarding Ovid's banishment? How do we know we are missing something important?

Part 3. What theories exist about the reasons behind his banishment?

Part 4. Where is Ovid exiled to? How long does he stay there? What is it like for him? What are the sum affects of the banishment on Ovid?

Essay Topic 2

There are many social mores regarding sexuality that from Rome in Ovid's time that are similar to those in America in the 1960's. Discuss those social mores.

Part 1. What part of the social mores of the two eras are worthy of comparison?

Part 2. How are they similar? How are they different?

Part 3. Has there been any "progress" or "evolution" since Rome in 2 AD or are we essentially the same?

Essay Topic 3

Ovid lays out a detailed framework for those that wish to be successful courting the other sex. How do you measure up?

Part 1. What specific advice does Ovid give your gender?

Part 2. Are there some parts of the advice that are outdated? Can they be translated to something current? For example, if he refers to a "toga", we can translate it as "clothes."

Part 3. How much of this advice do you currently practice? Do you think your chances in love would be better or worse if you practiced more?

(see the answer keys)

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