The Erotic Poems Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Erotic Poems Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do people say about Ovid's speeches?

2. Who does Ovid threaten with exposure if she denies him in Amores 2:8?

3. What does Ovid compare resisting the powers of love to?

4. What time period does Ovid live in?

5. Whose baby does Ovid suppose Corinna is carrying when she tries to get an abortion?

Short Essay Questions

1. What difference does Ovid and his father have about his career?

2. What does Ovid say causes him to turn cold toward Corinna? What is it about her that he does not like?

3. How does Ovid embody the dilemma between writing love poems and writing tragedies in Amores Book 3?

4. What happens when Corinna gets pregnant? Whose child is it?

5. Why does Corinna's hair fall out? What does Ovid recommend as a solution?

6. When and where was Ovid born? Where and why did his parents move when he was young?

7. What is the nature of the relationship between Corinna and Ovid in Amores book 1? What is the major impediment that stands in their way?

8. What is the event that happens to cause Ovid to first offer an elegy and then scorn regarding the writing tablet?

9. Describe the personality of Ovid in the role of lover.

10. Does Ovid experience success as a statesman or a poet during his lifetime? Explain.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

After the Cures For Love, there is a fragment of the text that remains from his poem On Facial Treatment for Ladies. This fragment gives us a glimpse into what makeup and its applications might have been like two thousand years ago in Rome. Further this text with some research on the side and discuss the history and changes of makeup over time.

Part 1. Summarize and explain the information in On Facial Treatment for Ladies and other sources you have used.

Part 2. What would it have been like to use cosmetics as they were then?

Part 3. How have cosmetics changed over time to become how they are today? How is the experience of the user different?

Essay Topic 2

Assuming that Ovid has not created a persona for his poems, what is the nature of the man we get to know through his poems?

Part 1. Is it likely that Ovid was writing through a persona or that his poems are from personal experience?

Part 2. What is his character like in the poems? Does it evolve?

Part 3. What logical life history or situation can explain his changing nature?

Essay Topic 3

In the end of Amores Book 1, Ovid names several other authors as timeless and enduring. Write an essay about these other authors.

Part 1. Who are the authors that Ovid names? What do they do?

Part 2. Are these authors still well known?

Part 3. How does the fame of these authors compare to Ovid's?

(see the answer keys)

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