The Erotic Poems Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Erotic Poems Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following best characterizes the leadership of the Roman Empire during Ovid's life?
(a) They are wealthy merchants able to buy their way into power.
(b) They are from Gaul.
(c) They combine political and military leadership.
(d) They are the strongest men in the country.

2. In Amores 2:9, what does Ovid argue that he should quit?
(a) Smoking.
(b) Taking recklass risks.
(c) The field of love.
(d) Corinna.

3. What social trouble plagues the upper classes of Rome?
(a) Politics are seeped with treason.
(b) No one wants to lead or govern.
(c) Religiosity is at an all time low.
(d) Adultery has grown to outrageous proportions.

4. In Amores 2:18, what does Ovid claim to be unable to do?
(a) Love a woman other than Corinna.
(b) Eject Corinna.
(c) See anything bad in Corinna.
(d) Ever give his heart entirely.

5. What advice does Ovid overhear a person giving Corinna in Amores 1:8?
(a) How to make herself more attractive.
(b) That she had better no entertain any other lovers.
(c) How to use love for financial advantage.
(d) How to end the relationship with Ovid.

6. In Amores 1:6, what activity is Ovid engaged in?
(a) Begging his lover to let him come to her.
(b) Dressing for a social occasion.
(c) Entreating the gods to bring his lover to him.
(d) A nightime vigil outside his lovers door as he hopes to be let in.

7. Who is Ovid trying to persuade to stay away in Amores 1:13?
(a) Aurora, the dawn.
(b) Corinna's husband.
(c) Cupid.
(d) His father from visiting.

8. What does Ovid compare resisting the powers of love to?
(a) A bird deciding not to fly.
(b) Fighting back the tide.
(c) A hermit closing his eyes to the world.
(d) A horse resisting its harness.

9. Which of the following can best be said about Ovid?
(a) His success is due soley to his family's wealth.
(b) Poetry is they only thing he was admired for.
(c) He enjoys some time with the reputation of being a good statesman and excellent poet.
(d) He never will have had a satisfactory political career.

10. What keeps Ovid from writing the epic poem about warfare he sets out to write?
(a) He feels the topic too lofty for his verse.
(b) Cupid shoots him with an arrow.
(c) It is the topic of caesars and leaders, and he is but a man.
(d) He must write something the people of Rome want to read.

11. What is Ovid tempted to do when good men die untimely deaths?
(a) Make them immortal in his verses.
(b) Deny that the gods exist.
(c) See the execution of bad men.
(d) Weep for the injustice of the world.

12. What spectacle does Ovid watch in Amores 3:2?
(a) The gods fighting for influence.
(b) Chariot races.
(c) Gladiators.
(d) The forum.

13. After the attempted abortion, what is Corinna's immediate state?
(a) In danger for her life.
(b) Relieved and exhausted.
(c) Remorseful and depressed.
(d) Still pregnant.

14. Who does Ovid threaten with exposure if she denies him in Amores 2:8?
(a) Corinna's best friend.
(b) Corinna's lady maid, Cypassis.
(c) Corinna.
(d) Caesar's daughter.

15. In Amores 2:15, what item does Ovid wish he was?
(a) The sheets on Corinna's bed.
(b) A ring on Corinna's finger.
(c) A flower in Corinna's hair.
(d) Corinna's undergarments.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does the poet overhear speaking with Corinna in Amores 1:8?

2. Why does Ovid berate the writing tablet in Amores 1:12?

3. When Augustus's daughter Julia reaches adulthood, what does she gain notoriety for?

4. In Amores 2:3, who is Ovid trying to convince to help him as a go-between?

5. According to Ovid, what happens when people resist the powers of love?

(see the answer keys)

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