The Engines of God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jack McDevitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Engines of God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jack McDevitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does everyone gather to ride it out?
(a) The Lower Temple.
(b) The Alpha shuttle.
(c) The pier.
(d) The main diving pool.

2. What does this find reveal?
(a) Proof that the Quraquat had been in space.
(b) Proof that the Dog Star is important.
(c) Proof that another entity is at work.
(d) Proof that the Nok have discovered propulsion.

3. What does Hutch ask Eddie for as they are loading the shuttle?
(a) An amulet they found in the Upper Temple.
(b) A souvenier of the Seapoint station.
(c) A barrel of each of the inert chemicals that create packing foam.
(d) A couple of hours off to watch the beach monkeys.

4. Who warns the scientists about the coming snowball?
(a) Melanie Truscott.
(b) Tommy Loughery.
(c) George Hackett.
(d) Jake Hoffer.

5. Who is brought to the Wincklemann by Hutch in the next load?
(a) Linda, Tommy and Tri.
(b) Tommy, Art and Andi.
(c) Andi, Tri, and Art
(d) Andi, Linda and Art.

6. What is the name of the city Richard and Hutch explore from the Alpha shuttle first?
(a) Oz.
(b) Azure.
(c) Moonrise.
(d) Rosetta.

7. Who ignores the confirmation Melanie gives to extend their time?
(a) Harvey Sills.
(b) Ian Helm.
(c) Henry.
(d) Carson.

8. How many cannot be removed from the Kosmik in time?
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) Two.
(d) Five.

9. How long will it take to land in the ocean?
(a) Approximately 4 hours.
(b) Approximately 8 hours.
(c) Approximately 6 hours.
(d) Approximately 10 hours.

10. What is the best scenario the ground crew can reasonably hope for?
(a) To dig out the press.
(b) To find something else of equal value.
(c) To get out alive.
(d) To recover the two chases.

11. What strength will the earthquakes that follow the explosions be?
(a) 16.3 on the Grovener Scale.
(b) 18.4 on the Grovener Scale.
(c) 12.6 on the Grovener Scale.
(d) 14.2 on the Grover Scale.

12. How high is the wave in the deep sea?
(a) About one meter.
(b) About three meters.
(c) About two meters.
(d) About four meters.

13. What can Richard feel on the bottom?
(a) The explosion.
(b) The volcanic eruption.
(c) The aftershock.
(d) The undertow.

14. What else is being done to create additional water for the planet?
(a) Clouds are begin artificially created.
(b) Icebergs are being towed to the planet.
(c) Clouds are being seeded.
(d) A ring of ice is being pushed into place around the planet.

15. Why is the Wincklemann unable to help?
(a) There is no pilot on board.
(b) They can't locate Hutch.
(c) They don't have the excess fuel.
(d) They can't get there in time.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of construction does the city have?

2. What does Richard notice about it?

3. What does Melanie make sure Hutch is aware of?

4. Where is Richard when Hutch is forced to take off?

5. Who is still on Quraqua trying to recover the printing press?

(see the answer keys)

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