The Enchanted April Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Enchanted April Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Mrs. Wilkins, what will Mrs. Fisher do before long in Chapter 11?
(a) Reach an impass.
(b) Smile at their sincerity.
(c) Snap at them or leave the villa.
(d) Invite the other women into her living area.

2. What conclusion does Lady Caroline come to in Chapter 13?
(a) That her life is flashy, shoddy and empty.
(b) That the other women are unruly and tiresome.
(c) That her life back home is lacking nothing.
(d) That she made the wrong choice coming to Italy.

3. Who does Mrs. Wilkins post a letter to in Chapter 11?
(a) Her sister, Amelia.
(b) Her husband.
(c) The church fundraiser.
(d) Mrs. Arbuthnot's husband.

4. Who is Rose?
(a) Mrs. Arbuthnot.
(b) Mrs. Wilkins.
(c) Mrs. Fisher.
(d) Lady Caroline.

5. Where does Lady Caroline hide-out in Chapter 19?
(a) In a park.
(b) The village.
(c) A hotel.
(d) An isolated garden path.

6. What question does Mr. Briggs ask Rose about the villa at the beginning of Chapter 18?
(a) What her favorite parts of the house are.
(b) How it compares to her home in England.
(c) Whether it is drafty.
(d) What the other women think of it.

7. What does Mellersh always keep in mind in regards to the other women staying at the villa?
(a) Their comfort.
(b) Their value as potential clients.
(c) Their physical appearance.
(d) Their social status.

8. What does Rose wait for after writing to her husband in Chapter 17?
(a) A letter.
(b) A knock at the front door.
(c) A telegram.
(d) A sign.

9. Where does Mrs. Arbuthnot go to wait for dinner in Chapter 20?
(a) The library.
(b) Her bedroom.
(c) The diningroon.
(d) The drawing room.

10. Why does Rose regret writing to her husband in Chapter 17?
(a) She fears he will not get along with Mellersh.
(b) She thinks he will try to control her and ruin her relaxing vacation.
(c) She wants to start a romance with someone in Italy.
(d) She fears he will not come to the villa or even respond to her letter.

11. What does Mellersh immediately ask for upon his arrival in Chapter 14?
(a) Some tea.
(b) A hot bath.
(c) A bed to have a nap in.
(d) A chair to sit in.

12. What makes Lady Caroline glad about Ferdinand's presence in Chapter 19?
(a) He will provide a buffer between her and Mr. Briggs.
(b) He will report to her on the goings-ons back home.
(c) He will take her out on the town.
(d) He will help her avoid contact with the other ladies.

13. What is Mrs. Fisher confused to discover in Chapter 13?
(a) That her eyesight is improving.
(b) That the indoors are stifling her.
(c) That she is growing attached to the other ladies.
(d) That she can move quite easily without her stick.

14. How does Mrs. Fisher feel when she finds Mrs. Arbuthnot and Mrs. Wilkins in her sitting room area in Chapter 10?
(a) Nervous and a little concerned.
(b) Violated.
(c) Surprised and dismayed.
(d) Happy to be growing closer to them.

15. What is Mrs. Wilkins relieved by in Chapter 15?
(a) That her husband does not scold her after her confession.
(b) That her husband seems to like Italy and the villa.
(c) That the other ladies do not detest her husband.
(d) That there has been no disagreements or awkward conversations between her husband and the other women.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lady Caroline note about Mr. Briggs behavior towards her when they first meet?

2. What does Rose resemble as she descends the stairs in Chapter 17?

3. Why does Lady Caroline sneak out of the villa in Chapter 19?

4. Why are Mrs. Arbuthnot, Lady Caroline and Mrs. Fisher disappointed in Chapter 13?

5. Who is Mellersh?

(see the answer keys)

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