The Enchanted April Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Enchanted April Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mrs. Wilkins convince her husband that she is already going to Italy in Chapter 4?
(a) She asks Mrs. Arbuthnot to convince him.
(b) She gives him the number of the villa's landlord.
(c) She shows him her ticket.
(d) She gives him the address of the villa.

2. What is Mrs. Arbuthnot going to Hampstead for in Chapter 2?
(a) To go to the museum.
(b) To deliver a lecture.
(c) To visit her niece.
(d) To shop for a particular perfume.

3. Why does Mrs. Fisher hurry to the lunch table in Chapter 9?
(a) She thinks the others are waiting for her.
(b) To tell the other women her exciting news.
(c) To ensure no one takes her place at the head of the table.
(d) She is extremely famished.

4. Who is Briggs?
(a) The owner of the Italian villa.
(b) Mrs. Arbuthnot's uncle.
(c) Mrs. Wilkins' first love that she occasionally sees.
(d) A friend of Mrs. Arbuthnot's husband.

5. What do Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot advertise in The Times?
(a) For other women to join them at the villa.
(b) A cook to accompany them to the villa.
(c) A spare room at their homes in England.
(d) A private driver who can drive them to the villa.

6. When Lady Caroline meets Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot for the first time, what does she suggest they do?
(a) Go for a walk in the garden.
(b) Keep out of each others' way.
(c) Eat breakfast.
(d) Tell each other about their lives.

7. How does Mrs. Fisher react the Mrs. Wilkins' enthusiasm in Chapter 7?
(a) With indifference.
(b) With impatience.
(c) With enthusiasm.
(d) With happiness.

8. What does Lady Caroline tell Costanza in Chapter 8?
(a) To only answer with "yes" or "no" unless absolutely necessary.
(b) To get orders from one of the other ladies instead.
(c) To come to her for direction.
(d) To conduct his work when she is not around.

9. What does Mrs. Wilkins make sure is the first thing that happens in the house when the women arrive?
(a) A kiss.
(b) A hug.
(c) A toast.
(d) A feast.

10. What do Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot briefly argue about in Chapter 8?
(a) Whether Italy has fresher air than England.
(b) Whether Mrs. Arbuthnot's marriage is a happy one.
(c) Whether chocolate tastes better in another country or not.
(d) Whether Mrs. Fisher had the right to behave as hostess.

11. What does Mrs. Fisher contemplate at the beginning of Chapter 9?
(a) How the past has more value than the present.
(b) How the years have past like a whisper.
(c) How all her friends have died or abandoned her.
(d) How she feels even older on the inside.

12. What does Mrs. Wilkins do in Chapter 1 that surprises her?
(a) She asks a stranger for directions.
(b) She yells at a car driving past.
(c) She laughs heartily.
(d) She approaches Mrs. Arbuthnot.

13. Why does Mrs. Wilkins gasp when she looks out her window in Chapter 6?
(a) She sees a naked man doing yoga.
(b) There is a violent storm outside.
(c) She is astonished by the beauty outside her window.
(d) She sees her husband approaching the front door.

14. Why do Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot make plans to arrive at the villa before the others?
(a) To prepare a special welcome party.
(b) To solidify arrangements and choose the best rooms.
(c) To have a quiet evening in before the others arrive.
(d) To clean the place up for the other guests.

15. For what did Mrs. Arbuthnot marry?
(a) Loyalty.
(b) Love.
(c) Money.
(d) Obligation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the two women do for the first time at the villa at the end of Chapter 5?

2. What does Mrs. Fisher receive two plates of in Chapter 9?

3. What did Lady Caroline and Mrs. Fisher feel they had the right to when they arrived at the house?

4. Which of the following does Lady Caroline NOT think of at the end of Chapter 8?

5. What reminds Mrs. Fisher of her husband in Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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