The Empty Space Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Empty Space Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What equation does the author give for the formula we are about to be upon?
(a) Theatre = R C T.
(b) Theatre = R r a.
(c) Theatre = Honor Nobility.
(d) Theatre = Nrt.

2. "The epic writer of _____ plays seldom brings to his work this same fine sense of human individuality: perhaps because he is unwilling to regard a man's strength and a man's weakness with equal impartiality."
(a) Dadaist.
(b) Surrealist.
(c) Absurdist.
(d) Marxist.

3. Which playwright does the author hold in the greatest esteem as one who combines the Rough Theatre with the Holy Theatre?
(a) Shakespeare.
(b) Brecht.
(c) Albee.
(d) Beckett.

4. The author writes of the architecture of theatres in saying, "as for theatres, the problem of design cannot start" how?
(a) Demandingly.
(b) Logically.
(c) Viscerally.
(d) Illogically.

5. What is the term which embodies the emotional and spiritual experience that occurs in great tragedies?
(a) Catharsis.
(b) Tears.
(c) Relief.
(d) Exhaustion.

Short Answer Questions

1. The strongest comedy is rooted in what?

2. "The moment of performance, when it comes, is reached through two passageways--the foyer and the..." what?

3. What is the third element for creating and defining theatre, according to the author, described as the life that an audience brings into the theatre every time a play is performed?

4. No tribute to the latent power of the theatre is as telling as that paid to it by what?

5. What is the earliest relationship during the performance/rehearsal process?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the author speak of regarding Shakespeare and the Rough Theatre?

2. What does the author write in regard to the power of laughter in "The Rough Theatre"?

3. How does the author discuss the process of theatre design?

4. What is one example of Shakespeare's which the author uses as an example in "The Rough Theatre", and what is he saying with this example?

5. How does the author feel that Brecht approaches the "Holy"?

6. How does the author describe the difference between staging in "rough" theatre versus traditional theatre?

7. What is the common thread between human existence and approach to process in the theatre?

8. The author gives a formula for creating and defining theatre. What is this formula?

9. Who is Bertolt Brecht and what was his major contribution to the modern theatre?

10. What is the difference in world view between Brecht and Shakespeare?

(see the answer keys)

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