The Empty Space Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Empty Space Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The author writes that, "All through the world theatre audiences are ______".
(a) Struggling.
(b) Expanding.
(c) Suffering.
(d) Dwindling.

2. What does the author contend is "the only trouble with violent shocks"?
(a) That they wear off.
(b) That they are false.
(c) That they arrest thought.
(d) That they are empty.

3. "The actor's work is never for _______, yet always is for one."
(a) A critic.
(b) A director.
(c) An audience.
(d) Another actor.

4. What does the author say is nonexistent in today's world?
(a) A fight for truth.
(b) A Deadly Theatre.
(c) A competition with film.
(d) A true theatre of joy.

5. What does the author contend that we have lost all sense of in modern times?
(a) Nobility.
(b) Love.
(c) Ritual.
(d) Worship.

6. What used to be the great symbol of a whole school of theatre?
(a) The Curtain.
(b) The footlights.
(c) The orchestra.
(d) The stage.

7. Every work and every period has its own what?
(a) Style.
(b) Mannerism.
(c) Eloquence.
(d) Cadence.

8. Who theorized the "Theatre of Cruelty"?
(a) Antoine Artaud.
(b) Jerzy Grotowski.
(c) Bertolt Brecht.
(d) Merce Cunningham.

9. What play does the author juxtapose against Peter Weiss' play for an example of clarity of meaning?
(a) Henry V.
(b) Hamlet.
(c) King Lear.
(d) Romeo and Juliet.

10. What form of theatre does the author discuss first in the book?
(a) Bad Theatre.
(b) Deadly Theatre.
(c) Immediate Theatre.
(d) Holy Theatre.

11. What group is led by Julian Beck and Judith Malina?
(a) The Theatre of Cruelty.
(b) The Dead Theatre.
(c) The Laboratory.
(d) The Living Theatre.

12. Of what does the author write, "three needs become one: it exists for the sake of performing, it earns its living through performing and its performances contain the most intense and intimate moments of its collective life"?
(a) The Laboratory.
(b) The Theatre of Cruelty.
(c) The Living Theatre.
(d) The Motion Picture Industry.

13. Who "spent his life railing against the theatre of illusion, but his most treasured memories were of painted trees and forests and his eyes would light up as he described effects of trompe d'Å“il"?
(a) Stanislavsky.
(b) Schindler.
(c) Meyerhold.
(d) Gordon Craig.

14. The author writes of an actor who studied the part of Hamlet for how many years and never played it because the director died before it was finished?
(a) Ten.
(b) Four.
(c) Seven.
(d) Two.

15. Of what play does the author write, "The optimism of the lady buried in the ground is not a virtue, it is the element that blinds her to the truth of her situation"?
(a) Endgame.
(b) Waiting for Godot.
(c) Krapp's Last Tape.
(d) Happy Days.

Short Answer Questions

1. Brook claims there are two ways of "speaking about the human condition: there is the process of inspiration" and the process of what?

2. "By using language illogically, by introducing the ridiculous in speech and the fantastic in behaviour, an author of the __________ opens up for himself another vocabulary."

3. What is the theatre district in London called?

4. The author refers to Broadway not as a jungle, but a what?

5. The theory of what is: "a spectator can be jolted eventually into new sight, so that he wakes to the life around him"?

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