The Empty Space Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Empty Space Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Holy Theatre, part 2 (p 61-72).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The author writes that New York has potentially the best audience in the world, but they don't go to the theatre. Why?
(a) The work is too shabby.
(b) The price is too high.
(c) The creative impulse doesn't exist.
(d) The lack of culture.

2. Which Chinese Opera Company came to London and retained touch with its sources, creating something new every night?
(a) Formosa Opera Company.
(b) Xing Opera Company.
(c) Pekin Opera Company.
(d) Siam Opera Company.

3. Of what does the author write, "three needs become one: it exists for the sake of performing, it earns its living through performing and its performances contain the most intense and intimate moments of its collective life"?
(a) The Theatre of Cruelty.
(b) The Laboratory.
(c) The Motion Picture Industry.
(d) The Living Theatre.

4. Who from the Martha Graham company has evolved a ballet company whose daily exercises are a continual preparation for the shock of freedom?
(a) Winter Stephenson.
(b) Catherine Fitzmaurice.
(c) Samuel Beckett.
(d) Merce Cunningham.

5. The author writes that, "All through the world theatre audiences are ______".
(a) Suffering.
(b) Expanding.
(c) Struggling.
(d) Dwindling.

Short Answer Questions

1. In which traditional theatre do actors pass knowledge orally from father to son?

2. What artist does the author refer to as a visionary who leads a theatre company in Poland?

3. Brook claims there are two ways of "speaking about the human condition: there is the process of inspiration" and the process of what?

4. The author opines that "today the theatre of doubting, of unease, of trouble, of alarm, seems truer than the theatre" with what?

5. The author writes, "In Haitian voodoo, all you need to begin a ceremony is a ____ and people."

(see the answer key)

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