The Empty Space Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Empty Space Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Rough Theatre, part 2 (p. 93 to 109).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what does the author write, "three needs become one: it exists for the sake of performing, it earns its living through performing and its performances contain the most intense and intimate moments of its collective life"?
(a) The Theatre of Cruelty.
(b) The Living Theatre.
(c) The Laboratory.
(d) The Motion Picture Industry.

2. Of what play does the author write, "The optimism of the lady buried in the ground is not a virtue, it is the element that blinds her to the truth of her situation"?
(a) Endgame.
(b) Happy Days.
(c) Krapp's Last Tape.
(d) Waiting for Godot.

3. What "can be anywhere, any time, of any duration: nothing is required, nothing is taboo"?
(a) A violent outbreak.
(b) An emotional moment.
(c) A Happening.
(d) An ordeal.

4. In which play does Leontes accuse his wife of infidelity?
(a) King Lear.
(b) Hamlet.
(c) A Winter's Tale.
(d) Anthony and Cleopatra.

5. The author claims that a "true symbol" is what?
(a) Silent.
(b) Nonexistent.
(c) Specific.
(d) Deadly.

Short Answer Questions

1. The author contends that ______ "is a model of a theatre that contains Brecht and Beckett, but goes beyond both."

2. The author writes, "Years ago I saw a girl at the Actors' Studio approaching a speech of Lady Macbeth's by..." doing what?

3. What group is led by Julian Beck and Judith Malina?

4. The author writes that in New York the most deadly element of the theatre is certainly what?

5. In America, the author writes, "Years ago, ______ came into being to give a faith and continuity to those unhappy artists who were being so rapidly thrown in and out of work."

(see the answer key)

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