Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In what type of home does Danielle live?
2. What does Julius do when David is out of town?
3. How do Murray and Marina deal with the cat's death?
4. Where is Bootie sitting at the beginning of Chapter 19?
5. What does Bootie envy about Danielle?
Short Essay Questions
1. What are the three versions of Murray shown in this chapter?
2. What topic does Danielle try to talk to Marina about and why does Marina resist?
3. What does David represent to Julius when he meets him while on a work assignment?
4. What is the disconnect between how Marina and Murray perceive themselves and how they actually are?
5. What are Danielle's feelings about her mother?
6. How does Bootie know he has worn out his welcome with friends in Amherst?
7. What are Bootie's plans for his arrival in Manhattan?
8. What strides has Bootie made in the two weeks he has been in Manhattan?
9. What is the state of Julius' relationship with David after two months?
10. What risk does Julius take , especially since he is in a relationship with David?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Does Messud end the story on a note of hope for Danielle, Marina and Julius, or will they continue to struggle with their relationships and hopes for their lives? Give your perspective and two reasons to support your answer.
Essay Topic 2
The author uses more than one iteration on the motif of disappointment. Identify at least two characters who either embody or experience disappointment then cite an example to support your answers.
Essay Topic 3
What is the overall setting setting for the novel? Be sure to include geography, time period and any pertinent popular culture events. Why did Messud choose to use these places in the novel?
This section contains 842 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |