The Emperor's Children Test | Final Test - Easy

Claire Messud
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Emperor's Children Test | Final Test - Easy

Claire Messud
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What secret does Danielle keep from Marina and Julius?
(a) She is in love with Ludo.
(b) Murray is going to divorce Annabel.
(c) She is moving to Paris next month.
(d) Murray is coming to spend the night.

2. On what holiday does Marina plan to marry Ludo?
(a) Christmas Eve.
(b) New Year's Eve.
(c) Labor Day.
(d) Valentine's Day.

3. What kind of job does Bootie find?
(a) Busboy.
(b) Doorman.
(c) Usher.
(d) Cab driver.

4. How many years has Marina been working on her book?
(a) 4.
(b) 10.
(c) 7.
(d) 3.

5. What topic does Danielle mention that sheds a pall over the evening?
(a) Bootie.
(b) The expose.
(c) Annabel.
(d) The manuscript.

6. Why does Danielle not want to spend the holiday with the Thwaites?
(a) She has had a fight with Marina.
(b) She is depressed over the holidays.
(c) She is having an affair with Murray.
(d) She has a work deadline.

7. How does Annabel treat Bootie when she finds him at the apartment when she returns early?
(a) She screams at him to leave.
(b) She berates him.
(c) She is very pleasant.
(d) She ignores him.

8. Where is Bootie staying in Chapter 38?
(a) Julius' new apartment.
(b) A hotel.
(c) Danielle's apartment.
(d) The Thwaite home.

9. What does Murray do after he reads the expose Bootie wrote?
(a) He gives Bootie a raise.
(b) He makes a few edits.
(c) He fires Bootie.
(d) He promotes Bootie.

10. What does Julius tell Danielle after Marina leaves the apartment?
(a) He needs help in finding a job.
(b) He is moving to Chicago.
(c) He is going back to David.
(d) He knows Danielle is seeing someone.

11. Why does Annabel have to leave the family holiday to return to the city?
(a) There is a water problem at the apartment.
(b) She has to prepare for court.
(c) She forgot to bring some holiday gifts.
(d) DeVaughn has problems.

12. What kind of weather greets Danielle as she arrives in Stockbridge?
(a) Light snow.
(b) Heavy rain.
(c) Hurricane.
(d) Blizzard.

13. What do Julius and David do after arguing in the afternoon?
(a) Go to dinner.
(b) Break up.
(c) Separate for awhile.
(d) Go to counseling.

14. What does Ludo encourage Marina to do?
(a) Join a gym.
(b) Distance herself from her father.
(c) Pursue a law degree.
(d) Learn to cook.

15. What is the subject of the article in the New York Times in Chapter 51?
(a) The Hudson River barge crash.
(b) The September 11 attacks.
(c) The stock market dip.
(d) Marina and Ludo's wedding.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Marina's opinion of Bootie's expose of Murray?

2. What does Murray watch from Danielle's apartment window?

3. What consumes Ludo so much that he ignores Marina?

4. In what condition does Bootie leave the location in #121?

5. What is one of the things that Danielle does in preparation for her tryst with Murray?

(see the answer keys)

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