The Elegance of the Hedgehog Test | Final Test - Medium

Muriel Barbery
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Elegance of the Hedgehog Test | Final Test - Medium

Muriel Barbery
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Paloma threaten to spread rumors about the therapist?
(a) To see if he is a good therapist.
(b) To see if he is able to read her well.
(c) To get him to move.
(d) To provoke him into making Paloma leave.

2. What conflict does Paloma witness?
(a) Between her mother and another woman at a sale.
(b) Between Renee and one of the tenants.
(c) Between her father and mother.
(d) Between her mother and older sister.

3. What does Renee tell Columbe?
(a) That the concierge's loge is not open until 8.
(b) That she should call the police.
(c) That a phone call is as bad as Colombe coming to the door and knocking.
(d) To call the concierge that is on duty.

4. What is one topic Renee and Kakuro discuss over dinner?
(a) The rancor that some in France feel towards Orientals.
(b) Paloma.
(c) Renee's lack of education.
(d) The fact that Renee is young to be in charge of the entire building.

5. What does Paloma request of Renee?
(a) That Renee babysit Paloma's cat.
(b) That Renee let Paloma hid in Renee's apartment.
(c) That Renee come talk to Kakuro.
(d) That an expected letter be delivered as soon as it comes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Columbe been driving Paloma crazy?

2. What surprises Manuela when she arrives at Renee's apartment?

3. What does Renee do in response to the gift?

4. How does Kakuro respond when Renee quotes from the book?

5. What makes Paloma wonder what else a person might ignore?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who wakes Renee at seven and what does Renee tell the person?

2. Why does Paloma prefer her aunt and uncle over her own parents?

3. What does Paloma feel and think when she hears her school choir singing?

4. What does Paloma find interesting about the new tenant as concerns her mother?

5. What does Paul Nguyen tell Renee when he comes to her door and what is Renee's response?

6. Briefly describe Renee's dinner with Kakuro.

7. What do Renee and Manuela discuss concerning Renee's upcoming dinner date?

8. With whom does Paloma have tea and how does she respond to the event?

9. Why does Paloma's mother take her to a therapist and what fascinates her about him?

10. What happens when Renee goes to the cleaners to retrieve the beige dress?

(see the answer keys)

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