The Elegance of the Hedgehog Test | Final Test - Easy

Muriel Barbery
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Elegance of the Hedgehog Test | Final Test - Easy

Muriel Barbery
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What book does Kakuro give Renee?
(a) An expensive copy of Barbet.
(b) An expensive copy of Anna Karenina.
(c) An expensive copy of A Tale of Two Cities.
(d) An expensive copy of Middlemarch.

2. What does Renee do in response to the gift?
(a) Nothing yet.
(b) Sends the book back.
(c) Writes a thank you note right away.
(d) Goes and knocks on Kakuro's door.

3. Why does Paloma prefer her aunt and uncle to her own parents?
(a) They are kinder and more liberal.
(b) They are fun and full of life.
(c) They seem to have accepted their place in the world.
(d) They are more attentive to Paloma and others.

4. What does Renee thinks offers more continuity in a house than conventional doors?
(a) Open doorways.
(b) Sliding doors.
(c) Bead curtins.
(d) Bamboo curtins.

5. What is one topic Renee and Kakuro discuss over dinner?
(a) The rancor that some in France feel towards Orientals.
(b) Paloma.
(c) Renee's lack of education.
(d) The fact that Renee is young to be in charge of the entire building.

6. What does Renee think to herself about her interest in painting?
(a) She should dumb that down also.
(b) She wishes she were more up on modern artists.
(c) She wishes she could afford even reproductions of good art.
(d) She wishes she could paint.

7. How does Kakuro respond when Renee quotes from the book?
(a) He tells her she has misquoted.
(b) He frowns at her audacity.
(c) He finishes the quote.
(d) He laughs.

8. Why does Paloma threaten to spread rumors about the therapist?
(a) To see if he is a good therapist.
(b) To provoke him into making Paloma leave.
(c) To get him to move.
(d) To see if he is able to read her well.

9. What surprises Manuela when she and Renee are talking about Renee's upcoming dinner date?
(a) That Renee is terribly nervous.
(b) That Renee does not have a suitable dress.
(c) That Renee had even thought of turning Kakuro down.
(d) That Renee is not nervous.

10. How does Renee feel before Kakuro?
(a) Intimidated.
(b) Exposed.
(c) Flustered.
(d) Like a little girl.

11. What is on Kakuro's wall in the entryway?
(a) Two crossed Samurai swords.
(b) A reproduction of one of Renee's favorite paintings.
(c) A Japanese music box.
(d) A tapestry from 1300s Japan.

12. Who are Levin and Kitty?
(a) Kakuro's cats.
(b) Paloma's cousins.
(c) The only other children in the building.
(d) Brother and sister who come by the building every morning with the newspapers.

13. What surprises Manuela when she arrives at Renee's apartment?
(a) Renee is crying.
(b) Renee is gone but Columbe is there.
(c) Renee has a black eye.
(d) Paloma being there.

14. What happens in Chapter 16?
(a) Renee finds a kitten.
(b) The summer rains begin.
(c) The summer drought continues.
(d) Paloma continues her suicide preparations.

15. What does Paloma tell Renee Paloma knows about the woman?
(a) That Renee is quite intelligent.
(b) That Kakuro is sweet on Renee.
(c) That Kakuro is sweet on Manuela.
(d) That Renee is lonely.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Renee careful about as she walks to Kakuro's apartment?

2. What does Renee think about as far as at in chapter 11?

3. What does Renee find not up to her standards?

4. What does Renee later think she should have done differently in response to the gift?

5. What does Renee tell Columbe?

(see the answer keys)

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