The Elegance of the Hedgehog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Muriel Barbery
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Elegance of the Hedgehog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Muriel Barbery
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one way Renee plays to her clients' prejudice?
(a) Acting as if they are the smartest people Renee has ever met.
(b) Drooling when she eats.
(c) Leaving the television on all day.
(d) Making inane conversation.

2. What do Athena and Neptune attempt to do?
(a) Go through the pet door simultaneously.
(b) Mate.
(c) Grab the same piece of meat.
(d) Fight.

3. To what does Paloma want to set fire?
(a) Her family's apartment.
(b) The family's records.
(c) Herself.
(d) The family's Rolls.

4. With what country is Paloma fascinated?
(a) Scotland.
(b) Germany.
(c) Russia.
(d) Japan.

5. How does Renee feel about her marriage?
(a) Stuck.
(b) Depressed.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) She married well.

6. How does Renee think of Manuela?
(a) As a base person.
(b) As a high-strung angel.
(c) As a drudge.
(d) As an aristocrat.

7. What does Paloma decide to do before she dies?
(a) To seek out the movements she observes in the man.
(b) Refuse to do what her father asks of her.
(c) Play rugby.
(d) Meet an intelligent poor person.

8. How does Madame Badoise injure her ankle?
(a) Separating Athena and Neptune.
(b) Tripping on the lobby carpet.
(c) Running for a taxi.
(d) Dancing in high heels.

9. What is the young man's reaction to Renee's suggestion?
(a) Condescension.
(b) Incredulity.
(c) Enthusiasm.
(d) Disdain.

10. What is Manuela always scheming to do?
(a) Go back to her country.
(b) Move to the United States.
(c) Move to Canada.
(d) Marry a rich man.

11. What does Paloma decide to do for her next birthday?
(a) Run away.
(b) Tell her father she wants to go away to boarding school.
(c) Move to Canada.
(d) Commit suicide.

12. Why does Manuela come early for tea?
(a) She wants to ask Renee's opinion about an outfit.
(b) She has to be across town later that day.
(c) Because of Maître Arthens' condition.
(d) She is excited to tell Renee something.

13. For whom does Manuela work?
(a) She does not have a job.
(b) At a small art museum.
(c) She works for herself.
(d) Several families in Renee's building.

14. What has Renee decided is a fraud?
(a) Linguistics.
(b) Heuristics.
(c) Semantics.
(d) Phenomenology.

15. Who is Neptune?
(a) Madame de Broglie's dog.
(b) A cat that lives in the alleyway near Renee's work.
(c) Manuela's Macaw.
(d) Madame de Broglie's cat.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Paloma notice about one of the players?

2. What is one modern writer Renee enjoys reading?

3. Who is Pierre Arthens?

4. What is Paloma watching with her father?

5. What do Renee's clients have in common?

(see the answer keys)

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