The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Kesey moves with his family to:
(a) Oregon
(b) Mexico
(c) Canada
(d) Colorado

2. Who came up with the idea for the Trips Festival of 1966?
(a) Steward Brand
(b) Owsley
(c) Kesey
(d) Babbs

3. What does Page discover?
(a) A Mexican undercover officer is watching the Pranksters
(b) A Mexican journalist is watching them
(c) Mexicans want to join the Pranksters
(d) The Federales are willing to take LSD for their silence

4. Why do people go to Kesey's property after the Concert?
(a) Rumors circulate that the Pranksters are giving away LSD
(b) They have nowhere else to go
(c) They want to witness a John Lennon-Ken Kesey meeting
(d) Rumors circulate that the Beatles will be there after their concert

5. Who is coming to San Francisco in September 1965?
(a) The Yardbirds
(b) The Beatles
(c) The Rolling Stones
(d) Malcolm X

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Kesey planning to go to Mexico?

2. Who do the Pranksters suspect is behind their bust on the way to Guadalajara?

3. Who gives a first-hand account of the Kool-Aid Acid Test?

4. What does Black Maria do that annoys everyone else?

5. After his horrible trip, Owsley threatens to:

Short Essay Questions

1. Is it ironic that Kesey wants to leave the Beatles concert before the crowd gets out of control?

2. Is this a happy ending?

3. Is it ironic that Owsley, who makes LSD, has a such a bad trip that he 'fails' the acid test?

4. Wolfe writes, "To Kesey, it was a hopeless flea-bitten desert he was fleeing into." What are some of the other descriptions Kesey uses to portray Mexico?

5. Why do you think the Mexicans greet the Pranksters with "Diablo!"

6. In reading this chapter, what did you think of Kesey's attempt at having a final graduation?

7. How does Mountain Girl manage to get off with just a fine for the marijuana charges against her?

8. After Zonker receives a telegram informing the group that the suicide note scheme didn't work, who spreads news that Kesey is in Mexico?

9. Is it ironic that Kesey goes to the U.S. Consulate, isn't ironic and even gets money from one of the staff?

10. When Kesey returns to California, he's in a strange state of mind. He says he's in the cops movie now. Does Kesey believe he's going to be captured?

(see the answer keys)

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