The Eight Test | Final Test - Medium

Katherine Neville
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Eight Test | Final Test - Medium

Katherine Neville
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mireille want the Bishop to do to gain control of the White Queen's pieces?
(a) Hide them from her
(b) Marry her
(c) Steal them from her
(d) Sleep with her

2. Who does Marat tell Mireille is the white queen?
(a) Catherine
(b) Mireille
(c) Abbess
(d) Charlotte

3. How long do Catherine and Lily have to hike through the desert along the walking path?
(a) 1 hour
(b) 8 hours
(c) 2 hours
(d) 4 hours

4. Which of the following characters looks like Mireille enough that Mireille can replace her to keep the appointment with the Revolution leader?
(a) Abbess
(b) Corday
(c) Marat
(d) David

5. Which of the following characters controls the leaders of the Revolution?
(a) Corday
(b) David
(c) Marat
(d) Charlotte

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the Bishop end up when the ship on which he was sailing sinks?

2. What vow does the Bishop make to Mireille when they are reunited in London?

3. From whom does Robespierre tell David that he learned about the service?

4. Why does Mireille state in her diary that she refuses to leave Paris?

5. Who promises the Bishop safety and prosperity if he returns to France?

Short Essay Questions

1. How many pieces have been located by Catherine and her friends and where are they located?

2. What connection does Lily explain to Catherine about the ax and chess?

3. What does Minnie reveal to Catherine and Lily about where the service is hidden and what does she provide them to help them collect them?

4. What does Mireille see when she arrives at the hidden valley and what happens when she arrives there?

5. What has the Abbess concealed in her room and how does Catherine react to it when the Abbess reveals it to her?

6. What events happen with the Bishop in London and what does she bring him?

7. What alternative plan does Solarin offer once it is obvious that the storm has blown the ship significantly off course?

8. What is the secret message that El-Marad gives to Catherine and for whom is that secret message intended?

9. Why does the Bishop protest Mireille's suggestion that he must marry the White Queen to help end the game?

10. What do Catherine, Lily and Solarin agree is the only way to test their theory about the formula?

(see the answer keys)

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