The Eight Test | Final Test - Easy

Katherine Neville
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Eight Test | Final Test - Easy

Katherine Neville
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to the king after the end of the lunar and solar calendars cycle back to their starting points?
(a) Sacrificed
(b) Reborn
(c) Moved
(d) Married

2. Which of the following characters controls the leaders of the Revolution?
(a) Marat
(b) Charlotte
(c) David
(d) Corday

3. What does Catherine tell Lily science has discovered that everything (matter, light and sound) is held together by?
(a) Music
(b) Chemicals
(c) Waves of power
(d) Particles

4. Why does Mireille state in her diary that she refuses to leave Paris?
(a) She is afraid for her life
(b) The Abbess ordered her to stay
(c) The Bishop is lookign for her
(d) She wants to see her son born into the game

5. Which of the following characters looks like Mireille enough that Mireille can replace her to keep the appointment with the Revolution leader?
(a) Abbess
(b) Marat
(c) Corday
(d) David

6. In what way are Solarin and Nim related?
(a) Uncle and nephew
(b) Father and son
(c) Grandfather and grandson
(d) Brothers

7. What does Mokhfi's name mean in English?
(a) The white queen
(b) The secret chosen one
(c) One that trespasses on the gods
(d) A rebel

8. What "science" does Minnie indicate there is a relationship between all of the disciplines (previously discussed)?
(a) Chemistry
(b) Alchemy
(c) Math
(d) Fortuneteller

9. How did Catherine, Lily and Solarin get to see Robespierre's diagram?
(a) It was hidden on the boat
(b) Mireille had it in her diary
(c) Minnie gave it to them
(d) They went to Russia to get it

10. How long is the time required for the lunar and solar calendars to cycle back and return to their starting points?
(a) 8 months
(b) 8 days
(c) 80 days
(d) 8 years

11. Where does Robespierre say the White Queen is currently?
(a) India
(b) Mesopotamia
(c) France
(d) England

12. What becomes Mireille's personal mark?
(a) B for the Bishop
(b) Letter M
(c) Figure 8
(d) Knight shape

13. Where do Catherine and Lily head once they leave the city of Oran?
(a) Russia
(b) Paris
(c) Algiers
(d) England

14. What is Solarin's relationship with Minnie?
(a) Son
(b) Nephew
(c) Grandson
(d) Godson

15. What city of the past do Catherine and Lily supposedly drive through as they follow the route Minnie drove?
(a) Athens
(b) Atlantis
(c) Carioca
(d) Rome

Short Answer Questions

1. Which character is wounded during the storm?

2. Which of the following characters claimed to have decoded the formula in the service?

3. Which of the following characters helps Mireille get the Abbess out of her prison?

4. Where does the Bishop end up when the ship on which he was sailing sinks?

5. Where do Catherine and Solarin agree to rendezvous with Mordecai and Lily?

(see the answer keys)

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